EnsembleIQ’s Convenience Store News Editorial Director, Don Longo, Stepping Into Emeritus Role

Editor-in-Chief, Linda Lisanti, Taking on New Responsibilities; Senior News Editor, Melissa Kress, Becoming Executive Editor

CHICAGO, June 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EnsembleIQ’s Convenience Store News today announces Editorial Director Don Longo will step into the new role of Editorial Director Emeritus on June 30. As part of this transition, Editor-in-Chief Linda Lisanti will take on additional responsibilities, and Senior News Editor Melissa Kress will become Executive Editor, with all three continuing to collaborate on delivering insightful content and growing audience engagement with the leading convenience store industry business intelligence source.

Longo joined Convenience Store News in 2006, after starting his career as a local news reporter, and then progressing through the ranks of business journalism as desk editor, managing editor, senior editor, executive editor and editor-in-chief. Throughout his career, Longo has been a sought-after industry expert, called upon to deliver presentations to business groups throughout the U.S., Europe and South America, and appearing as a guest on Fox Business News and National Public Radio.

Under the steady leadership of Longo, Lisanti and Kress, the Convenience Store News team has received four esteemed Jesse H. Neal Awards for business journalism and a dozen Eddie and Ozzie Awards. During Longo’s tenure, Convenience Store News also launched the industry’s first Top Women in Convenience awards program, numerous podcast and video initiatives, and most recently a robust “The Business Case for Diversity and Inclusion in the Convenience Channel” multi-touch platform enabling discussion, innovation, engagement and action surrounding an important business topic.

“Don has been a guiding force behind the success of Convenience Store News,” said Paula Lashinsky, Vice President and Brand Director, Convenience Store News. “As Editorial Director Emeritus, he will continue to leverage his vast industry knowledge and relationships to propel the brand forward, while Linda takes the helm of the editorial team – continuing their highly effective partnership. Melissa will work in tandem with Linda to oversee day-to-day operations and further build on successful efforts to deliver essential insights on emerging topics, such as store technologies and the latest product category trends.”

Lisanti joined Convenience Store News as a staff writer in 2005, and has since served as senior writer, senior editor, executive editor and editor-in-chief. Kress joined as associate editor in 2010, after previously working in editorial roles for various business information brands.

“I am passionate about the convenience store industry and excited about identifying new opportunities to expand how Convenience Store News serves its audience and connects suppliers and solution providers to retail decision makers,” said Lisanti.

To learn more about Convenience Store News, visit https://www.csnews.com and follow Convenience Store News on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. For advertising, sponsorship and partnership opportunities, contact Paula Lashinsky, Vice President and Brand Director, plashinsky@ensembleiq.com.

About Convenience Store News
Convenience Store News is the leading source for business intelligence, proprietary research and channel insights and analysis for the convenience store industry. Convenience Store News engages the entire convenience store supply chain fostering buyer/seller dialogue and providing the valuable intelligence needed to make critical strategic and tactical business decisions and achieve tangible business results. Convenience Store News helps retailers, suppliers and distributors grow sales and profits and stay ahead of what’s next in c-store retailing.

About EnsembleIQ
EnsembleIQ is a North American business intelligence company delivering insightful information and actionable connections. Using our market expertise throughout the entire path to purchase in retail, retail technology, consumer goods, healthcare, and hospitality, we help professionals make informed business decisions and gain a competitive advantage. We offer creative solutions that connect suppliers and service providers with our business-building communities. Through our diverse capabilities, we provide our markets with unrivaled digital, social, event, research, marketing services and strategic print offerings. To learn more about EnsembleIQ, visit ensembleiq.com.

Media Contact
Joe Territo
Executive Vice President, Content and Communications