Delta Drone : Half-year balance sheet of the liquidity contract entrusted to Louis Capital Markets


Half-year balance sheet of the liquidity contract
entrusted to Louis Capital Markets

Dardilly, July 22 , 2022 – 6:00 pm

As of 30/06/2022, the following means were included in the liquidity account:

  • 60 Delta Drone titles
  • 882.18         EUR in cash

During the1st semester 2022, a total of:

PURCHASE576,889 shares689. 65 EUR217 transactions
SALE335,079 shares352.34 EUR197 transactions

- Number of old shares converted: 262,237 into 26 new shares
- Number of old shares converted: 77,950 into 7 new shares

It is recalled that during the half-year balance sheet of 31/12/2021, the following means were included in the liquidity account:

  • 20,456 Delta Drone titles
  • 352.90 EUR in cash

It is recalled that when the new liquidity contract was set up on 05/03/2019, the following means were made available:

  • 38,660 Delta Drone titles
  • 2,384.33     EUR in cash


About Delta Drone: Delta Drone Group is a recognized international player in the field of civilian drones for professional use. It develops a range of professional solutions based on drone technology as well as all associated services that form a complete value chain.
Delta Drone shares are listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market – ISIN code: FR0014009LP0
   BSA Y – ISIN code: FR 0013400991

Investor Contact:        

Jerome Gacoin 
+33 1 75 77 54 65 


Pièces jointes

2022_07_22_PR HY liquidty contract