New Course Helps Aspiring Entrepreneurs Learn Faster

Audio-Based Content with Coaching from Experienced Business Owners

Oakland, CA, Aug. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Listen & Launch has just introduced a new way of learning how to run a business through their audio course and exclusive membership, “Listen & Launch Your Business”.

Listen & Launch was created by long-time women in business and serial entrepreneurs, Geraldine Convento and Gisel Martín and is accessed through a private podcast feed of the listener’s choice (Apple, Spotify, Google, etc).

The course was crafted for working individuals that are looking for a way to transition from employment into entrepreneurship. Co-founder Geraldine Convento says, “We noticed that many aspiring entrepreneurs get stuck in the research and ideation phase. Unfortunately, this means that many don’t even get to the stage of launching their business.” Gisel responds, “Our goal was to take everything we’ve learned and package it into a course that shares real experience and gives step-by-step instruction so they can feel more confident in launching a business. With the popularity of podcasts, it made a lot of sense for us to present content this way.”

Podcast content consumption has significantly risen over the years. According to a study conducted by The Infinite Dial 2021, United States weekly podcast followers listen to an average of 8 podcasts per week. Research from says that only 3% - 10% of people that sign up for online courses complete them. Barriers to taking online courses include not having enough time, having to be in front of a computer, and it feeling like school. However, with an audio-based course it can be accessed from any device you can do other things while listening (driving, doing chores, etc).

In this transformational audio course, Listen & Launch Your Business members learn how to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, build resilience and stay motivated as they are working towards their business launch.
The course has an accompanying workbook and monthly group coaching with the team and other professionals.

To find out more about Listen & Launch Your Business visit

