Robert Garon, Wrongfully Accused In Death of Beloved Puppy, Passes Polygraph Test As Court Date Approaches, according to the Law Offices of Donald P. Day

Naples, FL , Sept. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Naples resident Robert Garon will enter a plea of not guilty on one count of animal cruelty on Tuesday, September 6th.  Garon has been falsely accused in the death of a puppy that he and his girlfriend adopted together less than three months ago, according to his counsel.  

“I am devastated by the death of my puppy Buzz Lightyear. I gave him so much love and attention. He was such an amazing dog. I honestly can’t believe that he is gone and that someone would do this to him,” said Robert Garon who owned the puppy with his girlfriend.

“There are two tragedies here ­– the death of an adored puppy and allowing the real abusers to cover up a deadly crime. Not only has Robert been wrongfully accused of inflicting the injuries that caused Buzz’s death, but police failed to interview critical witnesses in the case,” said Donald P. Day, Counsel to Robert Garon.

Garon recently passed an independent polygraph test administered by John Hisler, who has 30 years of experience in law enforcement and works as an independent polygraph examiner. Hisler has conducted thousands of polygraph exams during his career for the State Attorney’s office, multiple law enforcement agencies, and private investigative entities.

“Robert Garon was subjected to a three-hour forensic interview and a polygraph exam, and he cleared the interview and the polygraph with no deception. Robert Garon had absolutely nothing to do with the death of his dog Buzz,” said polygraph examiner John Hisler.

According to counsel, the Garon family has suffered immensely due to the loss of Buzz including these false and cruel allegations, loss of employment, and threats of violence to themselves and their extended families.

“Robert is an upstanding young man with no history of violent criminal behavior against any individual or animal, nor does he have any kind of criminal record. We look forward to Robert being cleared of this horrendous charge, so the family can grieve privately during this extremely difficult time,” said Day.

According to counsel, on the night of the incident, Robert left Buzz at home for just two hours, and when Robert returned, his puppy was not well. He rushed him to the emergency vet, but it was too late to save him.

Robert and his family are lifelong animal owners who have always treated their animals with an abundance of love, attention, and care, proven by years of documented veterinary visits, said Garon’s attorney.

Additional photos of Robert Garon and his puppy Buzz who he lost to this terrible crime can be found here.

