1791 Management Report Concludes “Coffee Company of the Right” Defrauded Shareholders Out of Billions

LAGUNA NIGUEL, Calif., Sept. 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A report published by 1791 Management claims that while Black Rifle Coffee Company presents a brand to the public that supports conservative values, the company is being run by people who support causes of the left. In addition, the report by 1791 Management claims BRCC defrauded shareholders out of billions of dollars in its recent public offering via SPAC. You can see a copy of 1791 Management’s lawsuit against the company here.

When Black Rifle went public, 1791 Management became among its first investors. Then came actions by the company that raised flags among the staff at 1791 Management who were tasked with conducting research into the ethics and viability of companies 1791 was considering or already involved with in its portfolio.

1791’s report also lays the case that Black Rifle Coffee Company defrauded its shareholders of billions when they went public by manufacturing an artificial squeeze to boost the price of their shares while claiming a significant amount for themselves. The report outlines the pertinent dates and the steps BRCC took to manipulate the price of their shares while in the process exploiting their earlier shareholders by making it possible to purchase additional shares for themselves. You can see the report here.

Actuarial Management Corporation ("AMC") is organized as a stock-holding company. It owns and operates entities such as Actuarial Institutional, Banbury Group, 1791 Management, and Dant Ventures. Through its subsidiaries, the company serves institutional clients by managing private investment vehicles and providing investment management consulting.

1791 Management is a West Coast Investment Firm representing large institutional investors. 1791’s mission is to generate consistent absolute returns in all market environments. The fund is designed to maximize total return while accepting short periods of volatility due to event concentration.

