Sodexo Celebrates Ten-Year Anniversary of WasteLESS Week

Wastewatch by Leanpath Powers Food Loss Reduction

GAITHERSBURG, Md., Oct. 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Sodexo, a leader in quality, multichannel, and flexible food experiences, celebrates the 10th anniversary of WasteLESS week, October 24-28, 2022. Sodexo uses WasteWatch powered by Leanpath, which allows Sodexo teams to easily capture food waste data—whether food waste is generated in the kitchen or discarded by consumers—and take action to drive cultural and behavioral change. Since the partnership with WasteWatch by Leanpath began in 2008, Sodexo has saved 9,716,393 meals in North America.

“Food waste is a global crisis, squandering precious resources and driving climate change, all while putting unnecessary financial pressure on foodservice organizations,” Leanpath Executive Director Dave Britton said. “Sodexo is a global leader in addressing the food waste crisis and setting an example for the industry at large. We are proud to partner with Sodexo to reach the goal of cutting food waste in half by 2030 through our tailored solution, WasteWatch powered by Leanpath.”

“Everyone should care about food loss and waste. People around the globe are facing food insecurity and the effects of climate change,” Sodexo Manager, Sustainable Operations Jude Medeiros said. “Let’s do our part by focusing on operational efficiency to reduce food loss and waste at our sites.”

Sodexo is focused on preventing all forms of waste through changes in processes, consumer education, and collaboration with external partners. Sodexo aims to follow the principles of the circular economy to ensure all waste has a beneficial use and by promoting reuse, recycling, and composting to eliminate avoidable waste going to landfills. 

Globally, WasteWatch powered by Leanpath is deployed in 30 countries at 2,025 sites. In North America since 2015, Sodexo has avoided and saved approximately:

  • Total carbon emissions avoided: More than 37,000 metric tons of CO2
  • Total amount of food saved: About 12 million pounds 
  • Total number of meals saved: About 10 million meals saved 
  • Total amount of water saved: About 131 million bathtubs of water saved 


About Sodexo North America

Sodexo North America is part of a global, Fortune 500 company with a presence in 55 countries. Sodexo provides quality, multichannel and flexible food experiences, but also designs attractive and inclusive workplaces and shared spaces, manages and maintains infrastructure in a safe and environmentally friendly way, offers personalized support for patients or students and even creates programs fostering employee engagement. The company employs 90,066 people at thousands of sites in all 50 U.S. states, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam, and indirectly supports tens of thousands of additional jobs through its annual purchases of $20B in goods and services from small to large businesses. Sodexo North America is committed to focusing on tangible everyday gestures and actions through its integrated services to create a better every day for everyone and build a better life for all.

