The Everest Foundation Hosts Halloween Event For LA Orphans

Dr. Michael Everest and The Everest Foundation partnered with Los Angeles-based, Loving Hands Children Home to host a Halloween event for orphans with disabilities.

Los Angeles, California, Nov. 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- [Alt Text: A picture provided by The Everest Foundation of one of the children interacting with the Mad Scientists experiment at the Halloween event with Loving Hands Children’s Home.]

[A picture provided by The Everest Foundation of one of the children interacting with the Mad Scientists experiment at the Halloween event with Loving Hands Children’s Home.]

Dr. Michael Everest and The Everest Foundation partnered with Los Angeles-based, Loving Hands Children Home to host a Halloween event for orphans with disabilities. 

Loving Hands Children’s Home was founded by Janiese Finney, RN, who grew weary of watching the lack of care and repeat visits to the hospital that foster children in Los Angels, California, faced. 

Janiese noticed that children were in the hospital for an extended period of time, waiting to be placed in a home that would help support their unique physical, social, and mental health needs. After placement, these children were often returned to the hospital needing repeat care. 

The lack of continuous care prohibited the children’s progress, and the instability hindered their ability to thrive in the transition to stable environments. Loving Hands Children’s Home was launched in response to this ongoing problem in LA. 

According to their website, Loving Hands Children’s Home focuses “on promoting dignity and the highest esteem in their clients while providing safe and compassionate care.” 

The Everest Foundation, a LA non-profit, took to the cause of the Loving Hands Children’s Home and planned a Halloween event for the orphans to attend. 

The event gave children a safe place to celebrate Halloween and enjoy treats and various activities. The event's main activity was a visit from a Mad Scientist who performed scientific experiments to entertain the children. 

[ A picture provided by The Everest Foundation of the Loving Hands Children’s Home receiving the check from Dr. Michael Everest on behalf of The Everest Foundation.] 

In conjunction with the event, The Everest Foundation donated $30,000 to the Loving Hands Children’s Home to help them with their cause and provide more support for the foster care foundation. 

However, the Halloween event and monetary donation is not the only thing that The Everest Foundation and Dr. Michael Everest have done to help this charity. 

At the Loving Hands Children’s Home, Dr. Michael Everest, his wife Agata Everest, and their team at the foundation are funding an animal sanctuary to stay in the home’s backyard. 

Animal interaction can be very therapeutic for children. The animal sanctuary will provide a safe and enjoyable environment for the children to interact with the animals in an outdoor therapeutic setting. 

About The Everest Foundation

The Everest Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles, California. The foundation was founded after the passing of Dr. Edwin A.D. Everest in 2008. 

Dr. Edwin A.D. Everest was passionate about medical research and serving the community through medical innovations. His passion and vision are carried on by Dr. Edwin A.D. Everest’s wife, Bilma Everest, and daughter-in-law, Agata Everest. 

Today the foundation focuses on aiding the needs of students and institutions worldwide by being ‘Part of the Cure.’ Agata Everest, as the CEO, heads the foundation and allows time and energy to help overcome obstacles in changing medical research and the growth of medical schools and medical residency programs. 

Overall, the foundation is a staple in the LA community and strives to support other non-profit organizations with similar motives and focuses on aiding others through medical care, research, and innovation. 
