30 November 2022 at 5:45 pm


AKWEL (FR0000053027, AKW, PEA), an automotive and HGV equipment and systems manufacturer specialising in fluid management and mechanisms, announced its financial communication calendar for 2023:

 Press releasesMeetings
Full-year 2022 revenueThursday 09 February 2023 
Full-year 2022 resultsThursday 6 April 2023Friday 7 April 2023
First-quarter 2023 revenueThursday 4 May 2023 
Annual General MeetingThursday 25 May 2023 
First half-year 2023 revenueThursday 27 July 2023 
First half-year 2023 resultsThursday 21 September 2023Friday 22 September 2023
Third-quarter 2023 revenueThursday 09 November 2023 

All aforementioned press statements will be disclosed after closing of usual trading day. Calendar may be subject to change and is communicated on an indicative basis.

Next press release: 2022 annual turnover, 09 February 2023, after markets close.

An independent, family-owned group listed on the Euronext Paris Stock Exchange, AKWEL is an automotive and HGV equipment and systems manufacturer specialising in fluid management, mechanisms, and structural components for electric vehicles. The Group achieves this by relying on state-of-the-art industrial and technological expertise in applying and processing materials (plastics, rubber, metal) and mechatronic integration.

Operating in 20 countries across every continent, AKWEL employs almost 10,000 people worldwide.

Euronext Paris – Compartment B – ISIN: FR0000053027 – Reuters: AKW.PA – Bloomberg: AKW:FP


Grégory Voisin – Financial VP – Tel.: +33 4 50 56 99 25

EKNO – Press Relations
Jean-Marc Atlan – jean-marc.atlan@ekno.fr – Tel.: +33 6 07 37 20 44

CALYPTUS – Investor Relations
Mathieu Calleux – akwel@calyptus.net – Tel.: +33 1 53 65 68 68


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