Total dividend 2022 increased by 2.6 %

Press release
Inside/regulated information 

Brussels, December 15, 2022 after 5.40 p.m.

The Board of Directors of Solvac S.A. has decided to pay a second interim dividend. Still subject to the approval by the General Meeting of Shareholders on May 9, 2023, this interim dividend will represent the balance of the total dividend payment for the accounting year 2022.

This second interim dividend, payable on December 30, 2022, amounts to €2.32 gross per share, or €1.62 net per share, after deduction of 30 % withholding tax. The shares will be traded “ex dividend” on the stock exchange as from December 20, 2022.

Taking into account the first interim dividend announced in July, the total dividend 2022 is €5.58 gross per share and is increased by 2.6% compared to 2021. Such a distribution would result in a cash outflow of €119.3 million in 2022.

Gross Dividend in €/share20222021
  1st  interim dividend3.263.26
  2nd interim dividend2.322.18

The Solvac S.A. dividend reflects the rounded off increase of the Solvay S.A. dividend (gross dividend per Solvay share €3.85) compared to 2021 (gross dividend per Solvay share €3.75)

As far as our non-resident shareholders are concerned, Belgium has entered into international tax treaties with a certain number of foreign countries, which generally limit the burden of this withholding tax to 15% or even 10% ( The first part of the form 276 DIV-UAT, duly completed, stamped by the foreign service of taxation on which the applicant depends and signed must arrive at Solvac on January 9, 2023.

Dividends Calendar 2023

                24 August 2023 :                 Payment of the first interim dividend for the 2023 financial year
                29 December 2023 :           Payment of the second interim dividend for the 2023 financial year

Solvac is a public limited company under Belgian law founded in 1983 and listed on Euronext Brussels under the ISIN code BE0003545531 (SOLV). Its assets consist exclusively of a stake of more than 30% in the capital of Solvay SA. Its shares are exclusively nominative. They may be freely held by natural persons or, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, by legal persons or assimilated, to the conditions set out in its accreditation policy. As at December 1, 2022, its market capitalization was 2.2 billion €.

For additional information, please contact:
Solvac SA
Champs Elysées street, 43
B-1050 Brussels
Tel. : +32/2/639 66 30

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Press release