Click Medical brings Universal Adjustability to Spain and the European Union

Adjustability Needs to be Universal

Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Feb. 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Click Medical, manufacturer of kits that adjust the fit and volume in custom O&P devices, hosted O&P distributors from across the European Union for a multi day, hands-on training to learn all about the brand's new Click® Reel technology. “Everybody with limb loss or limb difference deserves a device that fits. If it fits, it functions and allows the wearer to spend more time doing what they want.” says Jen Howand, VP Marketing and INTL Sales for Click Medical. “The O&P professionals in Europe understand the value proposition of empowering their users with adjustability. One day user-adjustable devices will be the standard and not the exception and we are happy to lead that charge.”

The training was held in Valencia Spain, February 8-10, 2023, with distributors from seven different regions across Europe in attendence. The distributors will in turn teach practitioners and technicians from the O&P industries, in their home territories, to install Click Medical’s various kits all powered by the Click Reel in a new prosthetic or existing device. “Adjustability is absolutely a necessity,” says Wolfgang Neuhof of German distributor Protheseus. “An expensive knee built into a prosthesis is useless if the socket doesn't fit the user. This is a reality and an issue across the globe.” 

Humans come in all shapes and sizes and body shape is constantly changing, hence belts, suspenders, elastic and velcro are commonly used to adjust clothing to fit. The residual limbs of those with limb loss also change in volume over time,  and over the course of a day. What one eats and how active they are also influence their volume. The Click Reel built into a new or existing rigid device provides the user with the ability to self-adjust when and as needed. Without an adjustable socket, a person with limb loss may have to resort to adding or removing layers of socks, a cumbersome, less than perfect, and overly public solution. Imperfect fit also means they must visit their practitioner over and over again to adjust their fit or ultimately decide not to wear their device. 

About Click Medical: Click Medical brings life-changing adjustability technology to the O&P industry. In 2014 the BOA®fit system from a snowboard boot inspired the idea of adjustability in prosthetic devices which would become Click Medical. Our mission is to empower users to overcome limitations, regain mobility and reclaim independence. Find more information at, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn @ClickMedical


Click Medical assembly clinic in Spain for the European Union The Click® Reel as part of the Click Revo Fit Kit
