Availability of the English version of the 2022 Universal Registration Document ARGAN

Publication of documentsFriday 24 April 20225:45 p.m.

Availability of the English version of the
2022 Universal Registration Document

Argan announces the publication today of the English translation of its 2022 Universal Registration Document (Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2022) filed with the French Financial Markets Authority (the Autorité des marchés financiers - AMF) on 24 February 2023, under number D.23-0059.

The French and English versions of the 2022 Universal Registration Document are available on the website of the Company (www.argan.fr), section « Investors / Regulated information / AMF Communication».

Copies of the 2022 Universal Registration Document are also available free of charge from the registered office of Argan at 21, rue Beffroy - 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.

The 2022 Universal Registration Document includes in particular the Annual Financial Report, the report of the Supervisory Board on corporate governance, statutory auditors’ reports and information on the fees paid to the statutory auditors.

About Argan

ARGAN is the only French real estate company specialized in the DEVELOPMENT & RENTAL OF PREMIUM WAREHOUSES listed on EURONEXT. As of 31st December 2022, ARGAN’s portfolio amounted to 3.5 million sqm, comprising approximately 100 warehouses located exclusively in France, valued at €4.0 billion. ARGAN is listed on Compartment A of Euronext Paris (ISIN FR0010481960 - ARG) and is included in the CAC All-Share, IEIF SIIC France and EPRA Europ indices. The company opted for the listed real estate investment companies (SIICs) tax regime since 01st July 2007.

Francis Albertinelli - CFO
Aymar de GermayGeneral Secretary
Phone : +33 1 47 47 05 46
E-mail : contact@argan.fr

Aude Vayre – Press Relations
Phone : + 33 6 14 64 15 65
E-mail : argan@citigatedewerogerson.com


Pièces jointes

20230324 - Publication of the English version of the 2022 URD