Correction: AS Tallinna Vesi Supervisory Council confirmed financial results for 2022

AS Tallinna Vesi corrects the stock exchange announcement „AS Tallinna Vesi Supervisory Council confirmed financial results for 2022“ published on 31.03.2023 by changing the year number in the second paragraph.

The Supervisory Council of AS Tallinna Vesi confirmed the audited financial results for 2022. The financial results have remained unchanged compared to the preliminary disclosure on 27 January 2023.

The Company's total sales revenue for 2022 was €54.56 million, showing an increase of 2.4% or €1.26 million year-on-year, due to the implementation of the new tariff from 01/10/2022. Sales from water services increased by 8.5% amounting to €48.89 million. Sales from construction services were €4.81 million euros, 34.4% down from the previous year.

Last year's operating profit was €11.32 million, decreasing by 39.7% or by €7.46 million compared to 2021. The change was mainly due to higher variable production costs caused by a significant price increase in electricity and chemical costs. Net profit for 2022 was €8.41 million, being 48.0% or €7.76 million lower than in 2021.

Audited financial results for 2022 have been included as an attachment to current announcement and can also be found on our webpage.

Maria Tiidus
AS Tallinna Vesi
Head of Communications
(+372) 62 62 62 271


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AS Tallinna Vesi Annual Report 2022 ENG Tallinna Vesi AS konsolideeritud majandusaasta aruanne 2022