DALLAS, April 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Research conducted in Idaho by the Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at Johns Hopkins University found that kindergarten through fifth grade students increased their scores on end-of-year literacy tests with Istation Reading.
“Our latest study shows how effective Istation Reading’s supplemental instruction is at raising student test scores across multiple grade levels,” said Victoria Locke, Ph.D., Vice President of Research and Assessments at Istation. “We are so proud of the success Idaho educators have found using Istation to help students master English language arts skills.”
Overall, students who used Istation Reading saw approximately 5 to 15 points of growth on the literacy Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT ELA). Schools that used Istation’s reading instruction saw significant growth in student ISAT ELA scores. In comparison, schools that only used Istation’s assessment, and not the complimentary companion instruction, did not experience the same score growth. Additionally, research data shows that Idaho student subgroups such as special education, English learners, economically disadvantaged, and students of Hispanic/Latino origin who used Istation’s reading instruction outgained students who did not.
This study adds to the significant body of evidence that when used with fidelity Istation’s platform of assessment, instruction, and practice saves teachers' time and helps schools and districts get powerful student growth. Read the full study here.
About Istation
For over 25 years, educators have turned to Istation as an all-in-one solution for online assessment, instruction, and personalized learning. With Istation, schools get a time-saving program that powers pre-K through eighth grade student achievement in reading, math, and Spanish literacy. Rooted in research and designed to ignite student joy in the classroom, Istation’s innovative platform drives instructional efficacy and elevates learning to superhero heights.