Annual Report 2022: A year of change

MONTREAL, April 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At the annual general meeting in Montreal, the members of Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) formally acknowledged the results of a year marked by change. After months of hard work, ÉEQ was appointed - in October 2022 - Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) for the implementation of EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) of curbside recycling by 2025.

"As a representative of producers, our role as manager in the implementation of the modernization of the curbside recycling system is now confirmed, but also our vocation as order giver with our municipal partners, sorting centers and recyclers-packagers."

  • Maryse Vermette, CEO of Éco Entreprises Québec.

"The confirmation of our PRO status is quite an accomplishment! I am very proud that the vision of our 2021-2024 Strategic Plan has become a reality. Having a tangible and disciplined vision in place, supported by a strong team and a committed board of directors, has fostered this positive outcome for not only the organization, but for our entire value chain."

  • Denis Brisebois, Chairman of the Board of Éco Entreprises Québec

The annual report of Éco Entreprises Québec reveals both the highlights of the past year and the financial health of the organization.

New composition of the board of directors of Éco Entreprises Québec
ÉEC members elected two new board members by acclamation, while five others were re-elected. It should be noted that directors are appointed for a period of two years; each year, in rotation, the mandate of half of the 14 positions expires. The board of directors wants to thank Mrs. Edith Filion, Mr. Hugo D'Amours and Mr. Bernard Grandmont for their commitment during their respective mandates.

The board of directors of ÉEQ is composed of ten member directors and four non-member directors selected for their skills and experience in the value chain of the Quebec curbside recycling system for containers, packaging and printed materials.

Highlights of the 2022 Annual Report

  • In just three months, the ÉEQ teams have accomplished a colossal task in gathering more than 2,000 signatures of support for ÉEQ's application for designation from targeted producers. This was an important milestone in the process that gave momentum to the mobilization and instilled a good dose of optimism in the mission and expertise of ÉEQ.
  • With a five-year strategic and operational vision, the EPR System Development and Implementation Plan (SDIP) set out all the steps and rules leading to the deployment of the EPR, a significant step forward in the history of curbside recycling in Quebec.
  • Several steps have been taken to initiate or maintain dialogue with various stakeholders. For example, in December 2022, ÉEQ presented the curbside recycling modernization project to the 198 participants at the RCM assembly, as part of Quebec's new regulations on extended producer responsibility. This constructive meeting set the stage for unprecedented collaboration between producers and the municipal sector.
  • In the past few weeks, ÉEQ has conducted more than 200 interventions (webinars, trade shows, advertisements, etc.) to promote dialogue on the modernization of curbside recycling with both producers and municipal organizations. Incidentally, many presentations were made at conferences and regional meetings.
  • The third collaboration between ÉEQ and UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal), the documentary Unwrapped exposes creative ideas and innovative practices in packaging design. In 2022, this ambitious project has been at the heart of our outreach activities because of its scope and reach. Launched in October, the media event benefited from a multi-platform outreach, initially powered by an advertising campaign and a series of online initiatives, including social media.

About us
Since 2005, Éco Entreprises Québec, a private non-profit organization, has represented producers of containers, packaging and printed paper regarding their financial responsibilities for curbside recycling. Designated as Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in 2022, ÉEQ manages the curbside recycling system in Quebec from a sustainable development perspective.

As a leader in extended producer responsibility (EPR), ÉEQ develops, manages and provides circular economy solutions to its member producers so they can reduce their environmental footprint. ÉEQ places eco-design, recyclability and traceability at the core of all actions with its partners. ÉEQ will continue its role as the organization managing producers’ financial responsibilities in the compensation plan throughout the transition period to EPR.

Additional information
To learn more about the 2022 Annual Report, click here
For a complete list of Board members, click here
Photo credit: Charlotte B.-Domingue
Bottom line: Sylvain Allard, Maryse Vermette, Denis Brisebois and Patrick Lalumière

Source :

Arielle Grenier
Advisor, Media and Partner Relations
Éco Entreprises Québec
514 987-1491, ext. 274

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at