Real life report on what private clinics have done across Canada: Press Conference

Attn: Assignment Editor

TORONTO, May 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Health Coalitions from provinces that have privatized public hospitals’ surgeries and diagnostics to for-profit clinics share real life accounts of what has happened on the ground in their provinces as a result.

On Monday, May 8, the Ontario government passed their hospital privatization law, Bill 60. The Ontario Health Coalition has vowed to build the biggest fightback in its history to save our local public hospitals' services.

Provincial health coalitions from provinces where for-profit clinics have been established to take over public hospital surgeries and diagnostics will be holding an urgent online press conference via Zoom, on Tuesday, May 16 at 12:00 pm Eastern

Advanced registration is required for this press conference. You can register here: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the link.

What:Provincial Health Coalitions bring warning about consequences of hospital privatization
When:Tuesday, May 16 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time
Where:Online, Zoom registration required
Who:Representatives from British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, PEI and Nova Scotia

The Ontario Health Coalition is building a province-wide referendum campaign to stop what is the most undemocratic attack on our public health care in memory. On May 26th and 27th and throughout the month online we will be asking Ontarians to vote on the question: Do you want our public hospital services to be privatized to for-profit hospitals and clinics? Yes or No.

For more information: Natalie Mehra, executive director, Ontario Health Coalition at 416-230-6402
