Dublin, May 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "2023 Recruitment Marketplaces Annual Report" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The Recruitment Marketplaces Annual is here. The great resignation to the great move forward to the great recession to another bounce back? If you've got whiplash, congratulations because you've been paying attention!
The mega report looks at trends like ChatGPT, programmatic ads, CPA, salary transparency, and we check out what Indeed, Seek and Schibsted are doing.
Inside the report, you'll find:
- Analysis of some of the most interesting and largest recruitment verticals in the world
- Top 50 list identifies the largest recruitment marketplace and classified sites worldwide
- Top 25 in revenue
- Companies to watch
- The leading recruitment marketplaces / classified companies in 66 countries
- And much more
Key Topics Covered:
Executive summary
Industry trends
New ways to survive, and thrive, during a recession
- Recruitment marketplaces can't focus on cuts, despite the recession. Diversify services, find new alliances. That's how you'll not only survive, but thrive.
Writing great job listings: Why it can make a difference
Writing a great job ad is a challenge, but these strategies can help turn job advertisements into differentiators for recruitment marketplaces
ChatGPT: Brilliant writing tool, with some BS
- Multiple recruitment sites have already integrated the technology
'Pig butchers'/'brand leaches:' How job sites avoid fraud
- It's a never-ending battle to combat fraud and abuse on recruitment marketplaces, but lose the battle and you'll lose users' trust. And then it's game over.
Company spotlights
Top 25 recruitment marketplace companies by revenue
- Recruit Holdings overtakes LinkedIn to become No.
Gupy: Company expands to new model in big rebrand
- Gupy's site redesign has been built around what it calls the Gupy Hub, a suite of services aimed at Brazilian corporates
HeyJobs: Addressing Germany's labor shortages
- In a country with major shortages of applications, HeyJobs is chasing the Holy Grail of recruitment --- passive candidates
Indeed: Backtracking, after backlash, on cost-per-click
Problems with a shift to a new payment model for Indeed have come just when Google is ramping up its job ads product
LinkedIn: Multiple updates for video, passive candidates
- A mixture of major and minor updates were introduced by LinkedIn
Schibsted: Big changes to strengthen job revenue
- Schibsted is transforming its recruitment business to be more competitive against cyclical economic conditions and growing rivals
Companies to watch
Cliquify: Powering branding to attract candidates
- Cliquify helps companies collect culture and job stories from employees, managers and recruiters to power employer branding
PickleballJobs: My idea got poached
- This is the story of 'the job board that got away.'
WhereWeWork: Taking employer reviews international
- WhereWeWork expanded rapidly from 2020 across Eastern Europe and MENA
Top 50 recruitment marketplaces and classified sites
Top 15 freelance marketplaces
Top recruitment ad sites/apps by country
Companies in this edition
Companies Mentioned
- 104.com.tw
- 1111.com.tw
- 135 Neuvoo.ca
- 143 Greenhouse
- 144 TopTal.com
- 51Job
- 58.com
- 6 Red Arbor
- 83 Rikunabi.com
- 9 Jobs.ch
- 99Designs.com
- Adevinta
- Adzuna
- Alura
- Appcast
- Applied
- ApplyZ GmbH
- Arbeidsplassen.Nav.no
- ArbeitsAgentur.de
- Arbetsformedlingen.se
- AxelSpringer
- Baitoru.com
- Bayt
- BDJobs.com
- Belmeta.com
- BestJobs
- Bikroy.com
- Blocket.se
- Brazil Online
- BrighterMonday.co.ke
- Burzarada.Hzz.hr
- CareerBuilder
- CareerGig
- CareerXroads
- Carousell
- Catho
- ChileTrabajos.cl
- Cho Tot
- ClearanceJobs.com
- Coconala.com
- College Recruiter
- CompuTrabajo
- Coursera
- Craigslist
- CrowdWorks.jp
- CTGoodJobs.hk
- CV-Library
- DHI Group
- Dice.com
- Diplomeo.com
- Divar.ir
- Doda.jp
- DreamJob.ma
- Dribbble.com
- Duu
- E-Estekhdam.com
- E-Recruiter
- EBay
- EJobs.ro
- ElEmpleo.com
- Empleos.Clarin.com
- En-Japan.com
- Enbek.kz
- Facebook Jobs
- FastJobs 33-
- Finn.no
- Fiverr
- FlexJobs
- Forasna.com
- FreeJobAlert.com
- Freelancer.com
- FreshersLive.com
- FutureLearn
- Fuzu.com
- GetJobs.co.zw
- Glassdoor
- Go1
- GoHire
- GovernmentJobs.com
- GradConnection
- Grayscale
- Grc.ua
- GuichetEmplois.gc.ca
- Gupy
- HeadHunter.ru
- HelloWork 28 49 57
- HireEZ
- HiretEZ
- HotNigerianJobs.com
- HRExaminer
- Indeed
- InfoJobs
- InfoStud.com
- Iskur.gov.tr
- IT-JobBank.dk
- Job Board Doctor
- Job-Like.com
- Job-Room.ch
- Job.com
- JobAdder
- Jobat.be
- Jobberman
- JobBkk.com
- JobCase.com
- JobCloud
- JobIndex
- Jobiqo
- JobKorea.co.kr
- JobNet
- JobPal
- JobRapido
- Jobs.cz
- Jobs2Careers.com
- JobsDB
- JobsThatScale
- JobStreet
- JobThai.com
- Jooble
- Jora.com
- JumpIt.co.kr
- Kariyer
- Karriere.at
- Kenoby
- KMong.com
- Lancers.jp
- LeBonCoin
- Liepin
- Lynda.com
- MaFormation.fr
- Maukerja.my
- McHire
- Microsoft
- Moj-Posao.net
- MTurk.com
- MyJobHelper.com
- MyJobMag.com
- MyNavi
- Naukri
- Navigos Group
- NetEmpregos.com
- New Work
- nitori.fi
- NoFluffJobs.com
- North Media Online
- Oaed.gr
- OCC Mundial
- Ofir.dk
- OnlyDataJobs.com
- OnRecruit
- PandoLogic
- Paradox
- PeoplePerHour.com
- PNet.co.za
- Pole-Emploi.fr
- Praca.by
- Prace.cz
- PracezaRohem.cz
- Pracuj.pl
- Profession.hu
- Prosus
- Rabota.by
- Rabota.ru
- Rabota.ua
- Randstad
- Recruit.co.jp
- Recruitics
- Recruitment Agent
- Recruitology
- RecTech Media
- Reed.co.uk
- RegionsJob.com
- REWE Group
- Ringier
- RomJob.ro
- Rozee.pk
- Saramin
- Schibsted
- Seek
- Seekube
- SimplyHired
- SimplyJob
- Skywalker.gr
- SnagAJob.com 102 SoftGarden
- SonicJobs
- StepStone
- StudyDrive
- SuperJob.ru
- Syft
- Talantix
- Talent.com
- Talenya
- Talk'n'Job
- TaskRabbit
- TATech
- Tidio
- TopCV.vn
- TotalJobs
- TownWork
- Trabajando.cl
- TradeMe.co.nz
- TX Group
- Tyopaikat.Oikotie.fi
- Udemy
- UpCounsel
- UpWork
- UsaJobs.gov
- Vagas
- Vdab.be
- Viec.co
- ViecLamTot
- VietnamWorks.com
- VK Rabota
- Wadhefa.com
- Wedge
- Work.go.kr
- Work.ua
- Workana.com
- WorkIndia
- Xe.gr
- YoungCapital.nl
- Zhaopin
- Zip
- ZipRecruiter
- ZonaJobs.com.ar
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/9ow6tu
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