Elis: Adjustment to the conversion/exchange ratio (OCEANE 2029)

Information to the holders of the bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for new or existing shares (OCEANE) of Elis 2029
(ISIN Code FR001400AFJ9)

Adjustment to the conversion/exchange ratio

Saint-Cloud, June 7, 2023 - Elis (ISIN FR0012435121) informs the holders of the bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for new or existing shares (OCEANE 2029) that the initial conversion/exchange ratio of 1 ordinary share for 1 OCEANE is adjusted to 1.0246 ordinary share for 1 OCEANE (calculated in accordance with the paragraph 2.6.B of the Terms and Conditions of the 15th of September, 2022) as from May 30, 2023, ex-dividend date of the dividend of €0.41 per share, the distribution of which was approved by the shareholders’ meeting held on May 25, 2023.
This Adjustment complies with the provisions of the article 2.6.B.10 of the Terms and Conditions of the OCEANE 2029.


Nicolas Buron
Director of Investor Relations, Financing & Treasury
Phone: +33 1 75 49 98 30 - nicolas.buron@elis.com


Pièces jointes

20230607 - Elis - Adjustment to the conversion ratio (OCEANE 2029)