Sword Group: Results for the Second Quarter of 2023

Sword Group | Results for the Second Quarter of 2023

Consolidated R evenue: €74.1m

Organic Growth: +21.8% (1)

EBITDA Margin: 12.3%

(1) on a like-for-like basis and at constant exchange rates


For the 2nd quarter of 2023:
- Consolidated Revenue is €74.1m,
- Organic Growth is +21.8% at constant scope and exchange rates, 6.8 percentage points more than the budget,
- Profitability is €9.1m, 12.3% EBITDA margin, 0.3 percentage point more than the budget.

For the 1st half of 2023:
- Consolidated Revenue is €146.1m,
- Organic growth is +24.3% at constant scope and exchange rates, 9.3 percentage points than the budget,
- Profitability is €17.8m, 12.2 % EBITDA margin, 0.2 percentage point than the budget.


H1 | non audited Figures
€m20232023 AAA
EBITDA margin12.2%12.5%13.0%


AAA, a Group subsidiary in Scotland, specialised in recrutment, was deconsolidated from the operating account on 1 June 2023 to enable Sword to focus on its long term core businesses.

Consolidated revenue for the 2nd quarter comes to €74.1m. Excluding AAA, consolidated Revenue is €71.7m.

Consolidated revenue for the first half comes to €146.1m. Without AAA, it is € 139.6m.

Consolidated profitability (EBITDA margin) for the 2nd quarter is 12.3%. This is up to 12.5% without AAA.

Consolidated half-year profitability is 12.2%. It is 12.5% without AAA.

Outperforming organic growth
This outperformance is based on two criteria:
1. Constant growth in the revenue of our historical customers,
2. The increase in certain non-budgeted accelerators, such as new initiatives with the United Nations.

Without AAA, the 2023 revenue objective is €280m and the associated profitability goal is 12.5%, while financing the creation of 2 Business Units specialised in AI (one in Barcelona, one in Glasgow) for €1.2m.

To find out more about Sword’s strategic plan for 2024 and beyond, join us at the financial meeting on 7 September in Paris  Register here



2023 Half Year Presentation Meeting, 10am, Paris Registration


2023 Third Quarter Revenue

Sword Group

Sword has 2,800+ IT/Digital specialists present over 5 continents to accompany you in the growth of your organisation in the digital age.

As a leader in technological and digital transformation, Sword has a solid reputation in complex IT & business project management.

Sword optimises your processes and enhances your data.

Contact:  investorrelations@sword-group.lu


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