Gravitee Powers the Event-Driven Enterprise with New API Management Tools

Expanded support for asynchronous APIs, streaming and event brokers will help Gravitee customers take advantage of real-time business opportunities

Denver, Colorado

BOULDER, Colo., July 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gravitee, the first-ever event-native API management company, announces a major update to its platform. Gravitee now offers expanded support for companies adopting asynchronous APIs, streaming initiatives and event-driven architectures.

Gravitee provides a single, unified platform to help IT, Enterprise Architects, Developers and product owners manage the entire API lifecycle for both synchronous and asynchronous APIs. Customers use Gravitee’s platform to expose synchronous and asynchronous backend APIs, event brokers, message queues, etc. as synchronous and/or asynchronous APIs; enforce security, reliability and transformation policies at the request, response, pub/sub and message levels; make APIs discoverable in a centralized developer portal that catalogs synchronous and asynchronous APIs managed by Gravitee and APIs managed by other gateways; monitor and measure API consumption; and monetize synchronous and asynchronous APIs. Gravitee has thousands of users, including Tide Banking, Siemens, Swiss Post, Sedex, PostNL and Invers.

With its platform update today, Gravitee is helping companies accelerate the move to an event-driven architecture. The new features in the Gravitee platform include:

  • Support for Asynchronous APIs and Event Brokers in the Gravitee UI: Customers can use the Gravitee API creation wizard to create and expose REST APIs, WebSocket APIs, Webhook subscriptions, gRPC APIs, SSE APIs, GraphQL APIs, Kafka topics, MQTT topics and Solace event APIs.
  • Support for Protocol Mediation in the Gravitee UI: Customers can use the Gravitee API creation wizard to expose Kafka, MQTT and Solace resources as REST APIs, WebSocket APIs, Webhook subscriptions and SSE APIs.
  • Broader Support for Message-level Policies: Customers can now enforce Gravitee policies at the message level for message-based APIs and communication. They can design these policies using the new Gravitee Policy Design studio.
  • Support for Serialization and Deserialization: Gravitee can now serialize and deserialize information between Avro and JSONvia serialization and deserialization policies.
  • Support for Schema Registry: Gravitee can now serialize and deserialize information between Avro and JSON, Avro and Protobuf, and Protobuf and JSON via serialization and deserialization policies. Serialization and deserialization will be validated against target schemas stored in specified schema registries, and the schema ID can be obtained dynamically through a message header or attribute.

“Our vision for API management is that it becomes a healthy, competitive space where companies can choose from API and protocol-agnostic API gateways and solutions,” said Rory Blundell, CEO of Gravitee. “Today we are advancing the category in a way that gives customers the tools they need to respond to significant business opportunities in real time.”

The Event-native Enterprise

Gartner and other analyst firms have noted that enterprises should become more “event-native.” They are adopting application architectures and cloud-based infrastructure which allow them to capitalize on business opportunities, such as inventory updates or sensor readings, in real time.

APIs are the backbone of these event-driven architectures, supporting functions like integrating third-party services and functionalities into applications; exposing data and services to partners and customers; automating and simplifying internal processes; creating ecosystems by enabling applications to interact, share data and co-function; and gathering data from external sources for analytics purposes. APIs can help businesses innovate at scale, enhance the customer experience, generate revenue, make data-driven decisions and improve interoperability and efficiency. But to reach their full potential, APIs need to be exposed and easily discovered by the right sets of consumers, without causing security and/or reliability risks to the business.

Legacy API management solutions offer limited or zero support for asynchronous APIs, streaming APIs, and event brokers, leaving enterprises stuck in an API management bottleneck, where their API gateway and management solution(s) stand in the way of being able to securely and reliably expose asynchronous APIs and event streams. The updated Gravitee platform allows companies to unify how APIs and events are managed, allowing them to innovate faster, improve developer experiences, reduce risk, expand event streams and drive new revenue.

Customer Support

“We at the Swiss Post are excited for the new Gravitee platform, exposing any kind of APIs or data streams with consumers is now effortless, secure and reliable,” said Anke Raich, Cluster Lead Integration Platforms at the Swiss Post. “All potential obstacles that may have hindered our ability to expose data in the manner our consumers demand have been eliminated.”

Availability and Pricing

Gravitee is available both on-premises, Gravitee-hosted or hybrid and is typically priced on a per-gateway basis under a subscription model.

About Gravitee

The Gravitee event-native API Management platform is built on top of an evented API Gateway and policy execution engine that are agnostic to API style, protocol, event broker, or message queue. This enables organizations to manage, secure, and expose anything from REST APIs to SOAP web services as REST APIs to Kafka topics–either as code or via the Gravitee UI. More info at

Kevin Wolf
