BNP PARIBAS Group: share buyback - declaration of transactions in own shares from 21 August 2023 to 25 August 2023

Paris, 28 August 2023

BNP Paribas share buyback programme

Declaration of transactions in own shares
from August 21, 2023 to August 25, 2023

In accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 on Market Abuse and Article 3 (3) of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 through regulatory technical standards concerning the conditions applicable to buyback programs and stabilization measures, BNP Paribas informs the market of the following transactions in own shares:

Name of issuerIdentification code of issuer  (Legal Entity Identifier)Day of transactionIdentification code of financial instrumentAggregated daily volume (in number of shares)Daily weighted average price of the purchased shares *Market (MIC Code)
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8321/08/2023FR000013110430 00058,7457AQEU
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8321/08/2023FR0000131104140 00058,7573CEUX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8321/08/2023FR000013110430 00058,8697TQEX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8321/08/2023FR0000131104392 00058,7822XPAR
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8322/08/2023FR000013110429 73959,1345AQEU
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8322/08/2023FR0000131104140 00059,1216CEUX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8322/08/2023FR000013110430 00059,1307TQEX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8322/08/2023FR0000131104363 26159,1275XPAR
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8323/08/2023FR000013110429 72758,7256AQEU
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8323/08/2023FR0000131104140 07358,7170CEUX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8323/08/2023FR000013110430 00458,7211TQEX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8323/08/2023FR0000131104334 19658,7173XPAR
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8324/08/2023FR000013110429 63558,7559AQEU
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8324/08/2023FR000013110491 40858,7742CEUX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8324/08/2023FR000013110432 56558,7393TQEX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8324/08/2023FR0000131104394 39258,7321XPAR
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8325/08/2023FR000013110426 57058,7127AQEU
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8325/08/2023FR0000131104140 76458,6719CEUX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8325/08/2023FR000013110430 43558,6681TQEX
BNP PARIBASR0MUWSFPU8MPRO8K5P8325/08/2023FR0000131104361 23158,6713XPAR
* Four-digit rounding after the decimal TOTAL2 796 00058,8087 

As of 25 August 2023, since the launch of the second tranche of the share buyback programme, BNP Paribas purchased 8,011,000 shares, equal to 0.6% of the share capital, for a total consideration of 471,712,085 euros.

The description of the share buyback programme is available on BNP Paribas’s website:



Pièces jointes

Share buyback - declaration of transactions in own shares from 21 August to 25 August 2023
Profil de l'entrepriseBNP Paribas SAIndustrie: BanksSite Internet: