SAN FRANCISCO and PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hemex Health, Inc., a medical device company based in Portland, Oregon and Mumbai, India, was honored today by AllianceIndus at their Corp-Govt Impact Summit in San Francisco for the partnerships it has forged with India firms to jointly deliver a breakthrough testing solution for sickle cell disease (SCD) and beta thalassemia. AllianceIndus, which aims to enhance US cross-border engagement for emerging markets, recognized the productive collaboration between the two countries that has resulted in offering the test in India and in other countries with high need for testing.
The Hemex Diagnostic Platform, Gazelle™, supports a powerful test for hemoglobinopathies including SCD and beta thalassemia and was launched into the Indian market in early 2021. It is manufactured in India and currently ships from India to over 30 countries. The company will launch additional tests for the platform that will expand access to diagnostics for other important conditions.
In his address to the summit attendees, Dr. Mahendra Munjpara, Honorable Union Minister AYUSH, said, “I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to this year's honoree, Ms. Patti White, CEO of Hemex Health, for selecting India as their manufacturing base for diagnostic kits, significantly impacting the healthcare of women and children by addressing ailments like sickle cell disease.”
“Gazelle is a great example of how utilizing the strengths of both US and India results in a breakthrough product at an affordable price,” said Patti White, CEO and Cofounder of Hemex Health. “Hemex utilized invention from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Hemex’s experience in low-cost design, and India’s competitive manufacturing. Innovate in the US… Make in India…Create global impact. This winning combination will help us realize our vision of improving access to accurate testing.”
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Contact: Judi Sakowski
Srishti Sawhney
HemexDx India