Trump Puts Families First in Exclusive Interview

Trump to Moms For America: “Our country has gone crazy. It’s gotten totally out of control...Who could think this was good, unless you’re trying to destroy our country?”

WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Moms For America released an exclusive podcast interview with the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. In the interview, President Trump noted the importance of God in our lives and praised the critical work Moms For America is doing defending country and family.

President Trump shares his perspectives on the hot-button issues that matter most to moms across America, such as men playing women’s sports, genital mutilation of minors, threats to parental rights, and the fight against drugs and human trafficking.

“Our country has gone crazy. It’s gotten totally out of control,” Trump says. “I don’t understand – who could think this was good? Unless you’re trying to destroy our country, who could think this is good?

“We’re so excited to show the world a side of President Trump that the news media isn’t interested in covering. You wouldn’t know it from the mainstream media’s relentlessly negative coverage, but Donald Trump is a devoted family man who really understands the important role that families – and moms in particular – play in making America great,” said Kimberly Fletcher, founder and president of Moms For America.

“As people will see for themselves in this exclusive interview, President Trump’s responses provide a glimpse into his heart and show that he’s a man of deep compassion who has never let his success in business or politics take precedence over his love for his family,” Fletcher added.

To view the full exclusive podcast interview, please visit:

Founded in 2004, Moms for America is a national, non-profit 501c3 educational corporation rooted on the principles of liberty and virtue our nation was founded on, and focused on promoting these principles, values, and virtues in the home and family, particularly through the women and mothers of America.

To learn more about Moms for America, please visit You can follow MFA on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

