Programmable Logic Controller Market to Hit USD 18.10 Billion by 2030 due to Rising Demand for Industrial Automation and Technological Advancements | Research by SNS Insider

Based on SNS Insider’s research, the programmable logic controller (PLC) market for PLCs continues to grow, fueled by the increasing demand for automation, technological advancements, a focus on energy efficiency, expansion in end-use industries, and the cost-effectiveness of these systems

Pune, Jan. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Market, as per the SNS Insider report, achieved a valuation of USD 11.8 billion in 2022. Projections indicate a growth to USD 18.10 billion by 2030, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2030.

Market Overview

A Programmable Logic Controller, commonly known as a PLC, is a robust industrial computer designed to control manufacturing processes and machinery. Initially developed to replace relay logic systems, PLCs have evolved significantly, incorporating advanced technologies for enhanced functionality and flexibility. PLCs are programmed using ladder logic, a graphical programming language resembling relay logic schematics, making it intuitive for engineers and technicians. Known for their durability, PLCs operate in harsh industrial environments and provide reliable performance, contributing to the overall stability of manufacturing processes.

Market Analysis

With industries increasingly embracing automation to enhance efficiency and productivity, the demand for PLCs has surged. PLCs serve as the central nervous system, orchestrating and optimizing diverse industrial processes, from assembly lines to complex manufacturing operations. The continual evolution of PLC technology has spurred programmable logic controller (PLC) market growth. Advanced features such as integrated communication protocols, cloud connectivity, and edge computing capabilities have made modern PLCs more powerful and adaptable to evolving industrial needs. The proliferation of PLC applications across diverse industries, including automotive, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and oil and gas, has broadened the market's scope. This widespread adoption is a key driver in the sustained growth of the PLC market. PLCs offer a cost-effective solution for automating processes, with a relatively quick return on investment. This financial viability makes PLCs an attractive option for businesses looking to enhance operational efficiency without incurring exorbitant costs.


Some of key players in PLC Market are Schneider Electric SE, ABB Ltd, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Rockwell Automation, Siemens AG, Emerson Electric Company, Honeywell International Inc., Omron Corporation, Panasonic Corporation, Toshiba International Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Hitachi Ltd, and other players are listed in a final report.

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Programmable Logic Controller Market Report Scope:

Report AttributesDetails
Market Size in 2022USD 11.8 billion
Market Size by 2030USD 18.10 billion
CAGRCAGR of 5.5% by 2023-2030
Market DriversThe emergence of Industry 4.0 or an increase in industrial automation
Market Opportunity
  • PLCs are in high demand across a range of end-use sectors
  • High demand for modular PLC
Market Challenges
  • Lack of training in PLC operation could impede market expansion
  • A harsh environment could prevent PLC adoption

Key Takeaway from Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Market Study

  • The food industry has undergone a transformative shift in recent years, with an increasing emphasis on automation to enhance efficiency and ensure compliance with stringent quality standards. PLCs have emerged as indispensable tools in achieving these objectives. These programmable controllers streamline complex processes such as production, packaging, and quality control, offering real-time monitoring and adaptability to varying production demands.
  • In the automotive industry, the demand for PLCs has surged owing to the growing complexity of manufacturing processes and the quest for enhanced operational efficiency. PLCs are instrumental in controlling and coordinating tasks across the production line, from assembly and welding to quality control.

Recent Developments

  • ECIL has recently unveiled its state-of-the-art PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) software. The PLC component enables users to control and monitor a range of manufacturing processes, while the SCADA system provides a comprehensive interface for supervisory control.
  • Industry giants Yaskawa and Phoenix Contact have joined forces to collaborate on a new PLC platform. This partnership signifies a strategic alliance between two established entities in the automation sector, aiming to push the boundaries of PLC technology.

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  1. It Covers COVID-19 Impact Analysis
  2. It includes Industry Flowchar
  3. It covers Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War
  4. It covers Impact of Ongoing Recession
  5. It Covers segment and region level Trend Analysis
  6. It covers Recent Developments & Industry News

Market Dynamics Analysis

The programmable logic controller (PLC) market is currently experiencing dynamic shifts driven by a multitude of factors. One of the key drivers propelling the growth of the PLC market is the escalating demand for automation across various industries. As businesses strive for increased efficiency and streamlined processes, PLCs emerge as essential components, enabling the automation of intricate tasks. Additionally, the advent of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) has further bolstered the PLC market, as these technologies necessitate sophisticated control systems. On the flip side, the market faces restraints in the form of high initial implementation costs and the need for specialized technical expertise, which may impede smaller enterprises from adopting PLC solutions. Challenges arise in the form of cybersecurity threats, with the increasing connectivity of PLCs making them susceptible to cyber-attacks. This has led to a growing concern for robust security measures within the industry. Furthermore, the threat of technological obsolescence poses a challenge, as rapid advancements may render existing PLC systems outdated. In navigating these dynamics, industry players must balance innovation with security and cost-effectiveness to ensure sustained growth and relevance in an ever-evolving landscape.

Key Regional Developments

In North America, the PLC market is experiencing robust growth attributed to the rapid adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. The presence of a well-established industrial sector, coupled with a focus on enhancing manufacturing processes, is propelling the demand for PLCs. Europe is a significant player in the global PLC market, with a strong emphasis on automation across various industries. The adoption of PLCs is rising in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing. The Asia-Pacific region is emerging as a key growth hub for the programmable logic controller (PLC) market. Rapid industrialization, particularly in countries like China and India, is a major factor driving the demand for PLCs.

Impact of Recession

The economic downturn has prompted many industries to tighten their budgets, leading to a decline in capital expenditure. As a result, businesses may delay or scale down their automation projects, affecting the demand for PLCs. During economic downturns, businesses often shift their focus towards cost-efficiency and operational optimization. PLCs, known for their ability to enhance automation and reduce operational costs, may witness increased interest as industries seek ways to streamline processes. Certain industries deemed essential, such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and utilities, may experience sustained or increased demand even during a recession. This could drive continued investment in the programmable logic controller (PLC) market.

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