Moms for America Thanks Gov. Abbott for Securing the Border, Protecting Women and Children Moms For America Stands With Texas

BRANSON, Mo., Jan. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Moms For America – a nationwide network of moms committed to promoting faith, freedom, and family – sent an open letter today thanking Texas Governor Greg Abbott for taking action to secure the southern border despite the federal government’s determination to avoid enforcing America’s immigration laws.

“Thank you, Gov. Abbott, for your courageous commitment to protecting American families. The Biden administration’s refusal to secure the southern border has resulted in a devastating scourge of crime, including human trafficking, cartel violence, and deadly drug smuggling. It is the responsibility of our elected officials to protect us from these threats, and moms everywhere are grateful that you are doing your duty despite threats and attempted coercion by the federal government.

“Border security is an issue of special concern to moms due to the many ways open borders negatively impact our children and our families. As you are well aware, women and girls are the primary victims of human trafficking, families living near the border are at constant risk of becoming the next victims of cartel violence, and over 70,000 Americans – many of them our teenage sons and daughters – died of fentanyl overdoses in 2021 alone. Moms will not tolerate inaction in the face of such grave threats.

“Gov. Abbott, Moms For America stands behind you 1,000% in your fight to secure the border and protect innocent women and children. The safety and security of American families is at stake, and we applaud you for having the courage to do what we all know is right.”

Founded in 2004, Moms for America is a national, non-profit 501c3 educational corporation rooted on the principles of liberty and virtue our nation was founded on, and focused on promoting these principles, values, and virtues in the home and family, particularly through the women and mothers of America.

To learn more about Moms for America, please visit You can follow MFA on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

