Ottawa, ON, April 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Yesterday, Métis National Council President, Cassidy Caron, met with The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada to engage in a nation-to-nation dialogue on Métis priorities prior to the release of Budget 2024.

Discussions between President Caron and Prime Minister Trudeau focussed largely on the key priorities of the Métis Nation requiring investment from Budget 2024, as well as ways to continue advancing Métis Nation inherent rights, including support for the inherent right of Métis government, currently being advanced by Métis Governments who comprise the MNC.

“I want to thank Prime Minister Trudeau for meeting with me today,” shared President Caron, “as leaders of our respective Nations, we recognize that our priorities are not different from one another, and that by working together we can achieve great things for our people.”

Eight years ago, the Daniels decision affirmed that Canada holds the same fiduciary duty to Métis as it does to Inuit and First Nations. Despite this, the Métis Nation continues facing barriers implementing Métis rights and is seeking critical investments in Budget 2024 to address existing gaps and improve socio-economic outcomes for Métis citizens.

Priorities discussed included health, education, emergency management, and economic development, as well as the full recognition and implementation of the Métis Nation’s inherent rights. President Caron stated that, “we are in a critical time in history as we inch closer to the advancement of Métis self-government, fulfilling the dreams of our ancestors. Canada must respect Métis rights and the jurisdiction of our Métis Governments as we continue to build strong and fruitful relationships between the Métis Nation and Canada.”

The Métis National Council looks forward to future meetings with the Prime Minister, including the upcoming Crown-Métis Nation Summit in May, where key shared priorities will be further advanced with leadership from across the Métis Homeland.


Since 1983, the Métis National Council has been the national and international voice of the Métis Nation within Canada. Through the Canada-Métis Nation Accord, the MNC advocates on behalf of its Governing Members—the democratically elected Métis Governments of Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia—to advance Métis rights and interests within their respective jurisdictions, including the implementation of the Métis Nation’s inherent right to self-determination and self-government. The MNC is committed to accountability and transparency within its operations, and to its relationships with MNC Governing Members. Cassidy Caron is the President of the Métis National Council.

