NEWARK, Del, Dec. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global tire materials industry is projected to witness steady growth, with sales anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.0% between 2025 and 2035. This consistent growth trajectory is expected to result in a market valuation of USD 128,201.5 million by the end of the forecast period. Factors such as the rising demand for vehicles, advancements in sustainable and innovative tire materials, and the increasing adoption of circular economy practices are key drivers of this expansion. Additionally, rapid urbanization and infrastructure development in emerging economies are further bolstering the market's growth potential.
Increasing customer inclination towards comfort-traveling and the introduction of advanced automobiles has resulted in a significant rise in sales of automotive vehicles such as passenger cars and commercial vehicles.
How will Growing Emphasis on Curbing Vehicular Emission Spur the Sales of Eco-friendly Tire Materials?
With rising concerns regarding sustainability and growing vehicular emission, governments in several countries are increasingly focusing on implementing numerous emission norms for automotive industry players to curb the surging emission rate.
For instance, the European Union has implemented the Tire Energy Label, mandating all the tire manufacturers to label every single tire on the basis of standards such as eco-friendliness, noise levels, wet surface braking, and fuel efficiency.
Thus, leading manufacturers are focusing on using sustainable materials for manufacturing tires such as natural rubber, silica, and others. This is expected to bolster the sales of eco-friendly tire materials in the market.
Understanding the Tire Materials Market
The tire materials market encompasses a diverse range of components used in manufacturing tires, including natural and synthetic rubber, fillers, chemicals, steel, and textiles. These materials contribute to tire durability, performance, and sustainability, catering to the automotive, aviation, and agricultural sectors. Innovations in lightweight and eco-friendly materials are driving advancements in this industry.
Market Growth Drivers, Trends, and Opportunities
- Growing Automotive Industry: The rising demand for vehicles in emerging economies is significantly boosting the demand for tire materials.
- Eco-Friendly Initiatives: Increasing consumer awareness and regulatory frameworks are pushing manufacturers to develop sustainable tire materials.
- Technological Advancements: Innovations like self-sealing and airless tires are creating new opportunities in the market.
- Urbanization and Infrastructure Growth: Expanding urban areas and road networks are driving the demand for heavy-duty tires, thereby stimulating the tire materials market.
- Circular Economy Practices: Recycling and reusing tire materials are gaining momentum, reducing environmental impact and fostering sustainable growth.
Key Takeaways
- The tire materials market is driven by growing vehicle demand, sustainability trends, and technological innovations.
- Asia-Pacific leads the market, supported by rapid urbanization and industrial growth.
- Adoption of eco-friendly practices and materials is becoming a key competitive factor.
- Circular economy principles, including material recycling, are shaping market dynamics.
- Technological advancements like airless tires are creating new growth avenues.
“The tire materials market is on a growth trajectory, propelled by the confluence of sustainability and technological advancements. Manufacturers investing in eco-friendly materials and innovative tire designs are well-positioned to capture emerging opportunities. However, evolving regulatory frameworks and raw material costs could present challenges. Collaboration between material suppliers and tire manufacturers will be crucial in navigating these dynamics and achieving long-term growth.” says Nikhil Kaitwade, Associate Vice President at Future Market Insights (FMI).
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Regional Analysis
- North America: Robust automotive and aviation industries contribute to steady market demand. The adoption of eco-friendly materials is notable in this region.
- Europe: Strict environmental regulations and high focus on sustainability drive innovation in tire material composition.
- Asia-Pacific: The largest market due to rapid urbanization, infrastructure development, and growing automotive production, particularly in China and India.
- Latin America and Middle East & Africa: Emerging markets with growing investments in infrastructure and agriculture sectors provide significant growth opportunities.
Countries | Value CAGR (2024 to 2034) | |
Spain | 3.6% | |
India | 6.0% | |
Brazil | 5.3% | |
Germany | 2.1% | |
China | 5.7% |
Category-Wise Insights
Natural Rubber (Material Type)
- Value Share (2024): 23.5%
- Exceptional elasticity ensures structural integrity and shock absorption.
- Easy to process with fillers like carbon black and silica, sourced mainly from Asia-Pacific plantations.
- Ideal for hybrid compounds tailored for durability and fuel efficiency.
- Widely used in commercial and off-highway vehicle tires due to toughness and load-handling capabilities.
Pneumatic Tire (Tire Type)
- Value Share (2024): 78.6%
- Air/nitrogen-filled structure offers superior cushioning and smoother rides.
- Reduces rolling resistance, enhancing fuel efficiency and energy conservation.
- Versatile applications across passenger cars, commercial vehicles, off-road equipment, bicycles, and airplanes.
- Customizable designs for specific performance needs like speed, load, and terrain adaptability.
Why are the Sales Tire Materials Rising across the Fillers Segment?
“Rising Governmental Initiatives for Green Tires Adoption to Favor the Tire Materials Market Growth”
Based on material type, the fillers segment is expected to register robust growth in the global tire materials market over the forecast period 2025-2035.
Implementation of labeling initiatives and rising environmental concerns have led to a rise in the production of eco-friendly or green tires. In addition to this, numerous initiatives taken by regulatory bodies for manufacturers and consumers with a preference towards performance tires are bolstering the use of silica as an effective replacement carbon black for filler materials. This is expected to favor the growth in this segment.
Which Tire Type is Most Preferred?
“Shifting Customer Preference Towards Pneumatic Tires to Elevate the Tire Materials Sale”
On the basis of tire types, the global tire materials market is segmented into solid tires, pneumatic tires, and retreated tires. FMI projected the pneumatic tires segment to expand at a considerable pace over the forecast period.
Rising customer preference towards using pneumatic tires, owing to their favorable attributes such as fuel economy, superior traction, braking efficiency, and capability to allow for a smoother ride experience with lesser shaking and bumping is spurring the sales of tire materials across the segment.
Why Does the Passenger Cars Segment Account for Dominant Share in the Market?
“Passenger Car Segment to Garner Maximum Tire Component Sales”
In terms of vehicle type, sales in the passenger cars segment are expected to remain high over the forecast period.
Increasing government-backed investments in the production of passenger cars, and the introduction of advanced passenger car models are the factor accelerating the sales of passenger cars. In addition to this, increasing introduction of eco-friendly and ultra-high-performance tires for passenger cars is facilitating the sales of tire component in the segment.
Key Players
- Bekaert
- Birla Carbon
- Cabot Corporation
- Evonik Industries AG
- Exxon Mobil Corporation
- JSR Corporation
- Kuraray Co., Ltd.
- Lanxess
- PetroChina Company Limited
- Solvay SA
- Other Key Players
Key Segmentation
By Material Type:
The Material Type segment is further categorized into Natural Rubber, Synthetic Rubber, Fillers, Plasticizers, Chemicals, Construction/Reinforcing Materials, and Others.
By Tire Type:
The Tire Type segment is further categorized into Solid Tires, Pneumatic Tires, and Retreaded.
By Region:
Regions considered in the study include North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, East Asia, South Asia & Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa.
Old Source: Tire Materials Market Expected to Reach USD 99.99 Billion by 2028 Amidst Rising Automotive Demand | Future Market Insights, Inc.
German Translation:
Es wird prognostiziert, dass der globale Markt für Reifenmaterialien ein stetiges Wachstum verzeichnen wird, wobei der Umsatz zwischen 2025 und 2035 voraussichtlich mit einer durchschnittlichen jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 4,0 % steigen wird. Es wird erwartet, dass dieser stetige Wachstumskurs bis zum Ende des Prognosezeitraums zu einer Marktbewertung von 128.201,5 Mio. USD führen wird. Faktoren wie die steigende Nachfrage nach Fahrzeugen, Fortschritte bei nachhaltigen und innovativen Reifenmaterialien und die zunehmende Einführung von Praktiken der Kreislaufwirtschaft sind die Haupttreiber für diese Expansion. Darüber hinaus stärken die rasche Urbanisierung und Infrastrukturentwicklung in den Schwellenländern das Wachstumspotenzial des Marktes weiter.
Den Markt für Reifenmaterialien verstehen
Der Markt für Reifenmaterialien umfasst eine Vielzahl von Komponenten, die bei der Herstellung von Reifen verwendet werden, darunter Natur- und Synthesekautschuk, Füllstoffe, Chemikalien, Stahl und Textilien. Diese Materialien tragen zur Haltbarkeit, Leistung und Nachhaltigkeit von Reifen bei und eignen sich für die Automobil-, Luftfahrt- und Landwirtschaftsbranche. Innovationen bei leichten und umweltfreundlichen Materialien treiben den Fortschritt in dieser Branche voran.
Treiber, Trends und Chancen für das Marktwachstum
1. Wachsende Automobilindustrie: Die steigende Nachfrage nach Fahrzeugen in den Schwellenländern steigert die Nachfrage nach Reifenmaterialien erheblich.
2. Umweltfreundliche Initiativen: Das zunehmende Bewusstsein der Verbraucher und die regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen drängen die Hersteller dazu, nachhaltige Reifenmaterialien zu entwickeln.
3. Technologische Fortschritte: Innovationen wie selbstdichtende und luftlose Reifen schaffen neue Möglichkeiten auf dem Markt.
4. Urbanisierung und Infrastrukturwachstum: Expandierende städtische Gebiete und Straßennetze treiben die Nachfrage nach Hochleistungsreifen an und stimulieren dadurch den Markt für Reifenmaterialien.
5. Praktiken der Kreislaufwirtschaft: Das Recycling und die Wiederverwendung von Reifenmaterialien gewinnen an Dynamik, verringern die Umweltbelastung und fördern nachhaltiges Wachstum.
Wichtige Erkenntnisse
· Der Markt für Reifenmaterialien wird von der wachsenden Fahrzeugnachfrage, Nachhaltigkeitstrends und technologischen Innovationen angetrieben.
· Der asiatisch-pazifische Raum ist marktführend, unterstützt durch schnelle Urbanisierung und industrielles Wachstum.
· Die Einführung umweltfreundlicher Praktiken und Materialien wird zu einem wichtigen Wettbewerbsfaktor.
· Die Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft, einschließlich des Materialrecyclings, prägen die Marktdynamik.
· Technologische Fortschritte wie Airless-Reifen schaffen neue Wachstumsmöglichkeiten.
"Der Markt für Reifenmaterialien befindet sich auf einem Wachstumskurs, der durch das Zusammentreffen von Nachhaltigkeit und technologischem Fortschritt vorangetrieben wird. Hersteller, die in umweltfreundliche Materialien und innovative Reifendesigns investieren, sind gut positioniert, um neue Chancen zu nutzen. Die sich entwickelnden regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen und Rohstoffkosten könnten jedoch Herausforderungen mit sich bringen. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Materiallieferanten und Reifenherstellern wird entscheidend sein, um diese Dynamik zu bewältigen und langfristiges Wachstum zu erzielen." sagt Nikhil Kaitwade, Associate Vice President bei Future Market Insights (FMI).
Regionale Analyse
· Nordamerika: Die robuste Automobil- und Luftfahrtindustrie trägt zu einer stetigen Marktnachfrage bei. Die Verwendung umweltfreundlicher Materialien ist in dieser Region bemerkenswert.
· Europa: Strenge Umweltvorschriften und ein starker Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit treiben Innovationen bei der Zusammensetzung von Reifenmaterialien voran.
· Asien-Pazifik: Der größte Markt aufgrund der raschen Urbanisierung, der Entwicklung der Infrastruktur und der wachsenden Automobilproduktion, insbesondere in China und Indien.
· Lateinamerika sowie Naher Osten und Afrika: Schwellenländer mit wachsenden Investitionen in Infrastruktur und Landwirtschaft bieten erhebliche Wachstumschancen.
Länder | Wert-CAGR (2024 bis 2034) | |
Spanien | 3.6 | % |
Indien | 6.0 | % |
Brazilien | 5.3 | % |
Deutschland | 2.1 | % |
China | 5.7 | % |
Einblicke nach Kategorien
Naturkautschuk (Materialtyp)
· Wertanteil (2024): 23,5 %
· Die außergewöhnliche Elastizität gewährleistet die strukturelle Integrität und die Stoßdämpfung.
· Leicht zu verarbeiten mit Füllstoffen wie Ruß und Kieselsäure, die hauptsächlich aus Plantagen im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum stammen.
· Ideal für Hybridmischungen, die auf Langlebigkeit und Kraftstoffeffizienz zugeschnitten sind.
· Aufgrund ihrer Zähigkeit und Lastaufnahmefähigkeit weit verbreitet in Reifen für Nutzfahrzeuge und Off-Highway-Fahrzeuge.
Luftreifen (Reifentyp)
· Wertanteil (2024): 78,6 %
· Die mit Luft/Stickstoff gefüllte Struktur bietet eine hervorragende Dämpfung und ein ruhigeres Fahrverhalten.
· Reduziert den Rollwiderstand, verbessert die Kraftstoffeffizienz und spart Energie.
· Vielseitige Anwendungen in Pkw, Nutzfahrzeugen, Offroad-Geräten, Fahrrädern und Flugzeugen.
· Anpassbare Designs für spezifische Leistungsanforderungen wie Geschwindigkeit, Last und Anpassungsfähigkeit an das Gelände.
- Bekaert
- Birla Carbon
- Cabot Corporation
- Evonik Industries AG
- Exxon Mobil Corporation
- JSR Gesellschaft
- Kuraray Co., Ltd.
- Lanxess
- PetroChina Company Limited
- Solvay SA
- Weitere wichtige Akteure
Wichtige Segmentierung
Nach Materialtyp:
Das Segment Materialtyp wird weiter in Naturkautschuk, synthetischen Kautschuk, Füllstoffe, Weichmacher, Chemikalien, Bau-/Verstärkungsmaterialien und andere unterteilt.
Nach Reifentyp:
Das Segment Reifentyp wird weiter in Vollgummireifen, Luftreifen und runderneuerte Reifen unterteilt.
Nach Region:
Zu den Regionen, die in der Studie berücksichtigt werden, gehören Nordamerika, Lateinamerika, Westeuropa, Osteuropa, Ostasien, Südasien und Pazifik sowie der Nahe Osten und Afrika.
Authored By
Nikhil Kaitwade (Associate Vice President at Future Market Insights, Inc.) has over a decade of experience in market research and business consulting. He has successfully delivered 1500+ client assignments, predominantly in Automotive, Chemicals, Industrial Equipment, Oil & Gas, and Service industries.
His core competency circles around developing research methodology, creating a unique analysis framework, statistical data models for pricing analysis, competition mapping, and market feasibility analysis. His expertise also extends wide and beyond analysis, advising clients on identifying growth potential in established and niche market segments, investment/divestment decisions, and market entry decision-making.
Nikhil holds an MBA degree in Marketing and IT and a Graduate in Mechanical Engineering. Nikhil has authored several publications and quoted in journals like EMS Now, EPR Magazine, and EE Times.
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Future Market Insights, Inc. (ESOMAR certified, recipient of the Stevie Award, and a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce) offers profound insights into the driving factors that are boosting demand in the market. FMI stands as the leading global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, consulting, and events for the Packaging, Food and Beverage, Consumer Technology, Healthcare, Industrial, and Chemicals markets. With a vast team of over 400 analysts worldwide, FMI provides global, regional, and local expertise on diverse domains and industry trends across more than 110 countries. Join us as we commemorate 10 years of delivering trusted market insights. Reflecting on a decade of achievements, we continue to lead with integrity, innovation, and expertise.
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