Ambu A/S: Interim report for Q1 2019/20
04 févr. 2020 01h49 HE | Ambu A/S
Ambu begins the year with double-digit sales growth, and a good performance across all geographies. The expansion of the sales organization as well as the preparations for products to be launched...
Ambu A/S: Kapitalforhøjelse i forbindelse med udnyttelse af udstedte warrants
21 nov. 2019 08h51 HE | Ambu A/S
Ambu meddeler kapitalforhøjelse. Vedhæftet fil Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 3 2019_20 ...
Ambu A/S: Capital increase in connection with exercise of warrants issued
21 nov. 2019 08h51 HE | Ambu A/S
Ambu announces capital increase. Attachment Company Annoucement no.3 2019_20 ...
Ambu A/S ændrer i bestyrelsen
13 nov. 2019 02h30 HE | Ambu A/S
Ambu A/S meddeler i dag, at bestyrelsesformand Jens Bager har informeret bestyrelsen om, at han efter ni år ønsker at udtræde af bestyrelsen ved selskabets ordinære generalforsamling i december 2019. ...
Ambu A/S: Changes within the board of directors of Ambu A/S
13 nov. 2019 02h30 HE | Ambu A/S
Ambu A/S announces today that the chairman of the board of directors Jens Bager has informed the board of directors that after 9 years of service he wishes to resign from the board of directors. Jens...
Ambu A/S: Årsregnskabsmeddelelse 2018/19
13 nov. 2019 02h27 HE | Ambu A/S
Ambu er i 4. kvartal overgået til direkte salg af aScope i USA, og derfor ender den organiske vækst for hele året som planlagt på 4 pct. Vores pipeline af endoskoper til engangsbrug følger planen og...
Ambu A/S: Annual report 2018/19 (Earnings release)
13 nov. 2019 02h27 HE | Ambu A/S
In Q4, Ambu has transitioned to direct sales of aScope in the USA, and as a result full-year organic growth ends at 4% as planned. Our pipeline of single-use endoscopes is on track and expanded to now...
Ambu A/S: Finanskalender
30 sept. 2019 04h18 HE | Ambu A/S
Ambu Finanskalender 2019/20 og 2020/21 Vedhæftet fil Selskabsmeddelelse nr 16 2018_19 ...
Ambu A/S: Financial Diary
30 sept. 2019 04h18 HE | Ambu A/S
Ambu Financial Diary 2019/20 and 2020/21 Attachment Company Announcement no 16 2018_19 ...
Ambu A/S: Articles of Association
30 août 2019 07h55 HE | Ambu A/S
Updated Articles of Association August 2019 Attachment complete AoA August 2019 ...