CORRECTION: AS Baltic RE Group audited consolidated financial statement for year 2016
02 mai 2017 10h34 HE | Baltic RE Group
Corrections – additionally added audited annual report and independent auditors report for financial year 2016. The rest of published information has not changed. In comparison to the previous...
AS Baltic RE Group i
AS Baltic RE Group informē par SIA TER Properties daļu iegādi
03 avr. 2017 09h13 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group informē, ka ir panākusi vienošanos ar SIA TER Properties (turpmāk tekstā – Sabiedrība), reģistrācijas Nr. 40103881878, dalībniekiem par Sabiedrības daļu iegādi. Ir plānots, ka AS...
AS Baltic RE Group i
AS Baltic RE Group informs about acquisition of SIA TER Properties shares
03 avr. 2017 09h13 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group informs that it has reached an agreement with the shareholders of SIA TER Properties (hereinafter – the Company) registration No. 40103881878, to acquire shares of the Company. It...
CORRECTION: AS Baltic RE Group Finanšu kalendārs 2017. gadam
31 mars 2017 07h37 HE | Baltic RE Group
LABOJUMS: mainīts 2016. gada revidētā gada pārskata iesniegšanas periods AS Baltic RE Group paziņo termiņu, kad tiks publiskots finanšu pārskats:   Notikums...
CORRECTION: AS Baltic RE Group Financial report schedule for year 2017
31 mars 2017 07h37 HE | Baltic RE Group
CORRECTION: changed publishing period of Audited Annual Report 2016. AS Baltic RE Group announces time when the financial statement will be published:   Event...
AS Baltic RE Group u
AS Baltic RE Group unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statement for the 12 months ended on 31 December 2016
28 févr. 2017 07h43 HE | Baltic RE Group
In comparison to the previous financial year, Baltic RE Group Group in financial year 2016 has increased its turnover for 28%, reaching income in amount of EUR 4 144 382. The Group ended...
AS Baltic RE Group n
AS Baltic RE Group nerevidētais starpperioda saīsinātais konsolidētais finanšu pārskats par 2016. gada 12 mēnešiem
28 févr. 2017 07h43 HE | Baltic RE Group
2016. gadā Baltic RE Group Koncerns, salīdzinot ar iepriekšējo pārskata gadu, apgrozījumu palielinājies par 28%, sasniedzot ieņēmumus 4 144 382 EUR apmērā. Koncerns pārskata periodu noslēdza ar...
AS Baltic RE Group p
AS Baltic RE Group paziņo par meitas sabiedrības Baltic Re S.p.a. reorganizāciju
23 janv. 2017 08h53 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group sākot ar 2017. gada februāri plāno pilnveidot Baltic RE Group Koncerna struktūru, kā rezultātā AS Baltic RE Group meitas sabiedrība Baltic Re S.p.a., tiks reorganizēta un...
AS Baltic RE Group a
AS Baltic RE Group announces reorganization of its subsidiary Baltic Re S.p.a.
23 janv. 2017 08h53 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group starting from February 2017 plans to improve AS Baltic RE Group Concern structure and as a result AS Baltic RE Group's subsidiary Baltic Re S.p.a will be reorganized and added to...
Baltic RE Group, AS
Baltic RE Group, AS Financial report schedule for year 2017
22 déc. 2016 03h22 HE | Baltic RE Group
AS Baltic RE Group announces when will be published financial statements for below mentioned periods: Event Date Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated...