Corbion first half-year 2021 results
10 août 2021 01h00 HE | Corbion
Corbion reported net sales of € 515.6 million in the first half of 2021, driven by organic net sales growth of 15.5%. Adjusted EBITDA in the first half of 2021 increased organically by 4.7% to € 77.1...
Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders Corbion verleent goedkeuring aan bestuursbenoemingen en dividend
19 mai 2021 10h29 HE | Corbion
De Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders Corbion, die op 19 mei 2021 is gehouden, heeft goedkeuring verleend aan de benoeming van Dessi Temperley tot lid van de Raad van Commissarissen en de...
Corbion General Shareholders Meeting approves Board appointments and dividend
19 mai 2021 10h29 HE | Corbion
The Corbion General Shareholders Meeting held on 19 May 2021 approved the appointment of Dessi Temperley as member of the Supervisory Board and the reappointment of Mathieu Vrijssen as Chairman of the...
Corbion Interim Management Statement Q1 2021
30 avr. 2021 01h00 HE | Corbion
Corbion boekte een autonome groei van de netto-omzet van 9,5%. De totale netto-omzet in het eerste kwartaal van 2021 bedroeg € 251,5 miljoen. De aangepaste EBITDA nam autonoom met 14,0% toe tot € 43,9...
Corbion Q1 2021 Interim Management Statement
30 avr. 2021 01h00 HE | Corbion
Corbion reported organic net sales growth of 9.5%. Total net sales were € 251.5 million in the first quarter of 2021. Adjusted EBITDA increased organically by 14.0% to € 43.9 million due to...
Corbion benoemt Aurélie Dalbiez tot Chief Human Resources Officer
23 avr. 2021 01h00 HE | Corbion
Corbion maakt de benoeming bekend van Aurélie Dalbiez tot Chief Human Resources Officer en lid van het Executive Committee van Corbion, ingaande 1 juli 2021. Mevr. Dalbiez heeft de Franse...
Corbion appoints Aurélie Dalbiez as Chief Human Resources Officer
23 avr. 2021 01h00 HE | Corbion
Corbion announces the appointment of Aurélie Dalbiez as Chief Human Resources Officer and member of the Executive Committee as of 1 July 2021. Mrs. Dalbiez (a French national) currently is Head of HR...
Corbion publiceert agenda voor virtuele AvA
07 avr. 2021 01h00 HE | Corbion
Corbion heeft de agenda gepubliceerd voor de aanstaande jaarlijkse Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders (AvA), die op 19 mei 2021 wordt gehouden. In verband met de COVID-19 pandemie en de daarmee...
Corbion published agenda for virtual AGM
07 avr. 2021 01h00 HE | Corbion
Corbion has published its agenda for the upcoming Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) to be held on 19 May 2021. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related measures Corbion has decided...
Corbion proposes to appoint Dessi Temperley to the Supervisory Board
29 mars 2021 01h00 HE | Corbion
Corbion’s Supervisory Board announces it has nominated Dessi Temperley for appointment to the Supervisory Board for a term of four years as of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) in May...