Paide ja Valka koost
Paide ja Valka koostootmisjaamade müügitehingu jõustumine
01 mars 2024 06h30 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
29. novembril 2023 sõlmis Enefit Green lepingu Paide ja Valka koostootmisjaamade müügiks Eesti suurimale kaugkütteettevõttele Utilitas (link 29. novembri 2023 börsiteatele). Tehing on saanud...
Closing of the sale
Closing of the sale of Paide and Valka cogeneration plants
01 mars 2024 06h30 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
On 29 November 2023, Enefit Green signed an agreement for the sale of Paide and Valka cogeneration plants to Utilitas, the largest district heating company in Estonia (link to the stock exchange...
Enefit Greeni IV kva
Enefit Greeni IV kvartali ja 12 kuu 2023 auditeerimata finantstulemused
29 févr. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Greeni IV kvartali ja 12 kuu 2023 auditeerimata finantstulemused Enefit Greeni IV kvartali 2023 konsolideeritud äritulud langesid võrreldes eelmise aasta sama ajaga 19 protsendi võrra 66,9...
Enefit Green's unaud
Enefit Green's unaudited financial results Q4 and 12 months of 2023
29 févr. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green's unaudited financial results Q4 and 12 months of 2023 Enefit Green's consolidated operating income for Q4 2023 decreased by 19 percent to €66.9m compared to the same time last year, and...
Kutse Enefit Greeni
Kutse Enefit Greeni 2023. aasta majandustulemusi tutvustavatele veebiseminaridele
26 févr. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
29. veebruaril 2024 kell 09.00 avalikustab Enefit Green 2023. a auditeerimata majandustulemused ja kutsub investoreid osalema tulemuste tutvustamiseks korraldatavatel veebiseminaridel: 29. veebruaril...
Invitation to Enefit
Invitation to Enefit Green investor webinars presenting 2023 interim results
26 févr. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green will publish its unaudited 2023 interim report on 29 February 2024 at 09.00 and invites investors to join webinars presenting the results according to the following schedule: 29 February...
Enefit Greeni tootmi
Enefit Greeni tootmisandmed – jaanuar 2024
15 févr. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green tootis jaanuaris 189,5 GWh elektrit, mida on 35,4% rohkem kui eelmise aasta samal perioodil. Tootmistulemust mõjutasid peamiselt uued – nii valminud kui ka veel ehitusjärgus tuulepargid...
Enefit Green product
Enefit Green production data – January 2024
15 févr. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green produced 189.5 GWh of electricity in January, which is 35.4% more than in the same period last year. The production result was mainly driven by new – both completed and under construction...
Enefit Greeni tootmi
Enefit Greeni tootmisandmed – detsember 2023
11 janv. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green tootis 2023. aasta detsembris 135,2 GWh elektrienergiat ehk 34,3% võrra enam eelmise aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes. Tootmistulemust mõjutas enim tuuleenergia toodangu kasv 36,5 GWh...
Enefit Green product
Enefit Green production data – December 2023
11 janv. 2024 02h00 HE | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green produced 135.2 GWh of electricity in December 2023, which is 34.3% more than in the same period last year. The production result was mostly driven by the increase in wind energy...