MCH Group | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR | Executive Board
17 juin 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
MCH Group: Change in the Executive Board Andreas Eggimann, Chief Digital & Information Officer (CDIO) and member of the Executive Board, has...
MCH Group | Ad hoc a
MCH Group | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR | Executive Board
17 juin 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
MCH Group: Change in the Executive Board Andreas Eggimann, Chief Digital & Information Officer (CDIO) and member of the Executive Board, has decided to leave MCH Group in...
MCH Group | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR | New CEO
01 juin 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
MCH Group appoints new CEO MCH Group Ltd., based in Basel/Switzerland, is pleased to announce the appointment of its new Group CEO. ...
MCH Group | Ad hoc a
MCH Group | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR | New CEO
01 juin 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
  MCH Group appoints new CEO MCH Group Ltd., based in Basel/Switzerland, is pleased to announce the appointment of its new Group CEO. As of July 1, 2022, Florian Faber, MBA, will be Group...
MCH Group | Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR | Neuer CEO
01 juin 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
MCH Group ernennt neuen CEO Die MCH Group AG mit Sitz in Basel/Schweiz freut sich, die Ernennung ihres neuen Group CEO bekanntzugeben. ...
MCH Group | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR | Annual General Meeting
29 avr. 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
Annual General Meeting MCH Group Ltd. Capital reduction by reduction of nominal value The Board of Directors of MCH Group Ltd. proposes to the shareholders at the Annual...
MCH Group | Annonce
MCH Group | Annonce événementielle selon l’art. 53 RC | Assemblée générale
29 avr. 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
Assemblée générale MCH Group SA Réduction du capital par réduction de la valeur nominale Le Conseil d'administration de MCH Group SA propose aux...
MCH Group | Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR | Generalversammlung
29 avr. 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
Generalversammlung MCH Group AGKapitalherabsetzung durch Nennwertreduktion Der Verwaltungsrat der MCH Group AG schlägt den Aktionärinnen und Aktionären an der Generalversammlung vom 23. Mai 2022...
MCH Group | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR | Capital increase with the support of its two main shareholders
13 avr. 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
MCH Group plans a further capital increase with the support of its two main shareholders MCH Group is planning a further capital increase in order to...
MCH Group | Ad hoc-Mitteilung gemäss Art. 53 KR | Kapitalerhöhung mit Unterstützung der beiden Hauptaktionäre
13 avr. 2022 01h00 HE | MCH
MCH Group plant weitere Kapitalerhöhung mit Unterstützung der beiden Hauptaktionäre Die MCH Group plant eine weitere Kapitalerhöhung, um die Liquidität für die Rückzahlung ihrer Anleihe...