Aandeelhouders van V
Aandeelhouders van Vastned Belgium keuren de grensoverschrijdende fusie met Vastned Retail goed
25 sept. 2024 12h00 HE | Vastned Belgium NV
De aandeelhouders van Vastned Belgium (Vastned Belgium NV, Euronext Brussel: VASTB, een openbare gereglementeerde vastgoedvennootschap (GVV)) hebben vandaag de voorgestelde omgekeerde...
Shareholders of Vast
Shareholders of Vastned Belgium approve the cross-border merger with Vastned Retail
25 sept. 2024 12h00 HE | Vastned Belgium
Today, the shareholders of Vastned Belgium (Vastned Belgium NV, Euronext Brussels: VASTB, a public regulated real estate company (GVV/SIR)) approved the proposed reverse cross-border legal merger in...
De Raad van Bestuur
De Raad van Bestuur van Vastned Belgium kondigt de benoeming aan van mevrouw Barbara Gheysen als Chief Financial Officer
17 sept. 2024 02h00 HE | Vastned Belgium NV
Barbara heeft het grootste deel van haar carrière doorgemaakt bij EY, waar ze als audit director werkte op dossiers van verscheidene GVV’s en pensioenfondsen. Barbara behaalde eveneens haar titel van...
The Board of Directo
The Board of Directors of Vastned Belgium announces the appointment of Mrs Barbara Gheysen as Chief Financial Officer
17 sept. 2024 02h00 HE | Vastned Belgium NV
Barbara spent most of her career working at EY, where she served as audit director on files of several RRECs and pension funds. Barbara also obtained her title of Certified Public Accountant and her...
The Board of Directo
The Board of Directors of Vastned Belgium announces the appointment of Mrs Barbara Gheysen as Chief Financial Officer
17 sept. 2024 02h00 HE | Vastned Belgium
Barbara spent most of her career working at EY, where she served as audit director on files of several RRECs and pension funds. Barbara also obtained her title of Certified Public Accountant and her...
Vastned Belgium: Toe
Vastned Belgium: Toepassing van artikel 7:97 WVV door de raad van bestuur van Vastned Belgium
31 juil. 2024 01h31 HE | Vastned Belgium NV
De raad van bestuur van Vastned Belgium NV (Euronext: VASTB, ‘Vastned Belgium’ of de ‘Vennootschap’) heeft het comité van onafhankelijke bestuurders van de Vennootschap (het ‘Comité’) verzocht om een...
Vastned Belgium: App
Vastned Belgium: Application of article 7:97 BCAC by the Board of Directors of Vastned Belgium
31 juil. 2024 01h31 HE | Vastned Belgium NV
The board of directors of Vastned Belgium NV (Euronext: VASTB, “Vastned Belgium” or the “Company”) has requested the committee of independent directors of the Company (the “Committee”) to issue an...
Vastned Belgium: App
Vastned Belgium: Application of article 7:97 BCAC by the Board of Directors of Vastned Belgium
31 juil. 2024 01h31 HE | Vastned Belgium
The board of directors of Vastned Belgium NV (Euronext: VASTB, “Vastned Belgium” or the “Company”) has requested the committee of independent directors of the Company (the “Committee”) to issue an...
Vastned Belgium publ
Vastned Belgium publishes the agenda for the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of September 25, 2024
31 juil. 2024 01h30 HE | Vastned Belgium NV
Vastned Belgium today publishes the convocation and agenda for the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held on Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 2.00 pm at the registered office of the...
Vastned Belgium publ
Vastned Belgium publishes the agenda for the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of September 25, 2024
31 juil. 2024 01h30 HE | Vastned Belgium
Vastned Belgium today publishes the convocation and agenda for the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held on Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 2.00 pm at the registered office of the...