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YPO da la bienvenida a patrocinadores de la Semana de Innovación YPO 2018
24 avr. 2018 16h46 HE | YPO
DALLAS, April 24, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YPO, la principal organización de directores ejecutivos del mundo, anunció hoy que Techstars se ha unido como patrocinador de oro y Geniecast, Emplify y...
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YPO Mengalu-alukan Penaja Minggu Inovasi YPO 2018
24 avr. 2018 16h46 HE | YPO
DALLAS, April 25, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YPO, organisasi kepimpinan utama ketua eksekutif terulung di dunia mengumumkan pada hari ini bahawa Techstars telah turut serta sebagai penaja emas...
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YPO Welcomes 2018 YPO Innovation Week Sponsors
24 avr. 2018 00h01 HE | YPO
DALLAS, April 24, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YPO, the world’s premier leadership organization of chief executives, announced today that Techstars has joined as a gold sponsor and Geniecast, Emplify...
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Ypo 글로벌 펄스 서베이,글로벌 Ceo들이 관심을 갖고 투자하는 혁신 기술 공개
03 avr. 2018 20h56 HE | Young Presidents’ Organization, Inc.
미국 댈러스, April 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 세계적인 경영자 리더십 기관인 YPO에 따르면 전세계 CEO들은 클라우드 컴퓨팅, 비즈니스 인텔리전스(BI), 사이버 보안과 같은 핵심 비즈니스 기술에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 블록체인과 AI, 암호화폐와 같은 신흥기술 도입과 투자의 경우 해당 시장이 주도할 것으로 전망했다....
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Pesquisa YPO Global Pulse: Qual tecnologia inovadora atual atrai mais atenção e investimento dos CEOs globalmente?
03 avr. 2018 13h44 HE | Young Presidents’ Organization, Inc.
DALLAS, April 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A YPO, principal organização de liderança de diretores executivos no mundo, anunciou hoje o resultado da Pesquisa YPO Global Pulse de março de 2018,...
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Encuesta de YPO Global Pulse: ¿Qué tecnologías disruptivas atraen la atención y la inversión de los directores ejecutivos a nivel mundial en la actualidad?
03 avr. 2018 13h44 HE | Young Presidents’ Organization, Inc.
DALLAS, April 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YPO, la principal organización de liderazgo de directores ejecutivos del mundo, anunció hoy los resultados de la encuesta de YPO Global Pulse de marzo de...
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YPO Global Pulse调查:全球获得首席执行官们关注和投资的颠覆性技术
03 avr. 2018 00h01 HE | Young Presidents’ Organization, Inc.
达拉斯, April 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 全球首屈一指的首席高管领导力组织YPO今天宣布了2018年3月YPO Global Pulse调查的结果,表明全球高管高度重视核心业务技术,例如云计算、商业智能(business intelligence / BI)和网络安全等,而对于区块链、人工智能(artificial intelligence /...
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Ypoグローバル・パルス調査: 現在、世界のCEOによる注目と投資を集めているのは、どのディスラプティブテクノロジーなのか?
03 avr. 2018 00h01 HE | Young Presidents’ Organization, Inc.
ダラス発, April 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 世界中の最高経営責任者が集まる最高峰のリーダーシップ組織であるYPOは本日、2018年3月度の「YPOグローバル・パルス調査 (YPO Global Pulse Survey) 」の結果を発表し、世界の最高経営責任者たちがクラウドコンピューティング、ビジネスインテリジェンス...
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Tinjauan Global Pulse YPO: Apakah Teknologi Inovatif Yang Kini Mendapat Perhatian dan Dilaburkan oleh CEO Seluruh Dunia?
03 avr. 2018 00h01 HE | Young Presidents’ Organization, Inc.
DALLAS, April 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YPO, organisasi kepimpinan ketua eksekutif terulung dunia hari ini mengumumkan hasil Tinjauan Global Pulse YPO Mac 2018 yang menunjukkan bahawa ketua...
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YPO Global Pulse Survey: Which Disruptive Technologies Command Attention and Investment of CEOs Globally, Now?
03 avr. 2018 00h01 HE | YPO
DALLAS, April 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YPO, the premier chief executive leadership organization in the world, announced today the results of the March 2018 YPO Global Pulse Survey, revealing...