Alvotech og STADA hl
Alvotech og STADA hljóta markaðsleyfi fyrir fyrstu líftæknilyfjahliðstæðuna við Stelara í Evrópu
10 janv. 2024 03h30 HE | Alvotech
Markaðsleyfi er veitt á Evrópska efnahagssvæðinu fyrir hliðstæðu við Stelara, líftæknilyf sem notað er til meðferðar við meltingar-, húð- og gigtarsjúkdómum  Samkeppni um ustekinumab markaðinn í...
STADA and Alvotech S
STADA and Alvotech Secure Approval for Uzpruvo, Europe’s First Ustekinumab Biosimilar to Stelara
10 janv. 2024 03h30 HE | Alvotech
Marketing authorization issued in European Economic Area for Uzpruvo®, the first biosimilar to Stelara®, a biologic therapy within gastroenterology, dermatology, and rheumatology Authorization paves...
Alvotech Clinical St
Alvotech Clinical Study Results Demonstrate Therapeutic Equivalence between Biosimilar Candidate AVT06 and Reference Product Eylea® (aflibercept)
03 janv. 2024 03h30 HE | Alvotech
The confirmatory clinical, safety and efficacy study for AVT06, biosimilar candidate to Eylea® (aflibercept) met its primary endpoint in patients with neovascular (wet) Age-related Macular...
Niðurstaða rannsókna
Niðurstaða rannsóknar á sjúklingum sýnir sömu klínísku virkni AVT06 líftæknilyfjahliðstæðu Alvotech og Eylea
03 janv. 2024 03h30 HE | Alvotech
Aðalendapunktur rannsóknarinnar var uppfylltur, þegar borin var saman klínísk virkni, öryggi og ónæmingarverkun AVT06 og Eylea (aflibercept) í sjúklingum með aldurstengda vota augnbotnahrörnun (AMD) ...
Alvotech Clinical St
Alvotech Clinical Study Results Demonstrate Therapeutic Equivalence between Biosimilar Candidate AVT06 and Reference Product Eylea® (aflibercept)
03 janv. 2024 03h30 HE | Alvotech
The confirmatory clinical, safety and efficacy study for AVT06, biosimilar candidate to Eylea® (aflibercept) met its primary endpoint in patients with neovascular (wet) Age-related Macular...
Alvotech Announces P
Alvotech Announces Positive Top-Line Results from a Pharmacokinetic Study for AVT05, a Proposed Biosimilar for Simponi® and Simponi Aria®
29 nov. 2023 04h00 HE | Alvotech
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Nov. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company specializing in the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients...
Alvotech kynnir jákv
Alvotech kynnir jákvæðar niðurstöður úr rannsókn á lyfjahvörfum AVT05, fyrirhugaðri líftæknilyfjahliðstæðu við Simponi® og Simponi Aria®
29 nov. 2023 04h00 HE | Alvotech
Aðalendapunktar rannsóknarinnar voru uppfylltir, en henni var ætlað að bera saman lyfjahvörf, öryggi og þolanleika AVT05 og Simponi í heilbrigðum einstaklingum. Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO) kynnti í dag...
Alvotech Announces P
Alvotech Announces Positive Top-Line Results from a Pharmacokinetic Study for AVT05, a Proposed Biosimilar for Simponi® and Simponi Aria®
29 nov. 2023 04h00 HE | Alvotech
The study, assessing pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability of AVT05 compared to Simponi® (golimumab) in healthy adult subjects, met its primary endpoint Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech...
Alvotech Reports Fin
Alvotech Reports Financial Results for First Nine Months of 2023 and Provides Business Update
28 nov. 2023 16h15 HE | Alvotech
Product revenue for the nine months of 2023 increased to $29.8 million, compared to $11.1 million for the same period in 2022Marketing authorization was received for AVT04 in Canada and Japan, the...
Alvotech Reports Fin
Alvotech Reports Financial Results for First Nine Months of 2023 and Provides a Business Update
28 nov. 2023 16h15 HE | Alvotech
Product revenue for the nine months of 2023 increased to $29.8 million, compared to $11.1 million for the same period in 2022Marketing authorization was received for AVT04 in Canada and Japan, the...