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AQUAE Unveils Groundbreaking Sustainable Finance Ecosystem at COP28 UAE
19 déc. 2023 20h26 HE | AQUAE IMPACT EXCHANGE CO. L.L.C
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via IBN -- AQUAE, a revolutionary ecosystem utilizing blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies, announces its launch at...
Alvotech leggur áher
Alvotech leggur áherslu á sjálfbærni og samfélagslega ábyrgð og birtir upplýsingar fyrir árin 2020 og 2021
29 août 2022 04h00 HE | Alvotech
Alvotech birtir gögn um um mælikvarða tengda árangri í umhverfismálum, félagslegum þáttum og stjórnarháttum (e. ESG) fyrir árin 2020 og 2021.Starfsemin var kolefnishlutlaus árin 2020 og 2021 að teknu...
Alvotech Announces C
Alvotech Announces Corporate Sustainability Participation and Discloses ESG Data covering 2020 and 2021
29 août 2022 04h00 HE | Alvotech
Alvotech releases ESG indicators covering both 2020 and 2021 Carbon neutrality for scope 1 and 2 emissions achieved in 2020 and 2021ESG portal is now available on the Company’s website at...
Alvotech Announces C
Alvotech Announces Corporate Sustainability Participation and Discloses ESG Data covering 2020 and 2021
29 août 2022 04h00 HE | Alvotech
Alvotech releases ESG indicators covering both 2020 and 2021 Carbon neutrality for scope 1 and 2 emissions achieved in 2020 and 2021ESG portal is now available on the Company’s website at...
Long standing commercial partner extends relation
22 mars 2019 03h00 HE | Photocat A/S
Binné & Sohn GmbH, a strong manufacturer of bitumen roofing, foils, and insulation, has decided in relation to its 140 years anniversary to offer all its high-quality bitumen roofing membranes...