IBT har uppnått ytte
IBT har uppnått ytterligare en milstolpe i sin fas III studie.
30 sept. 2021 13h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics (IBT) kan idag meddela att företaget nu har uppnått ytterligare en viktig milstolpe genom att ha rekryterat 600 barn i den pågående kliniska fas III-studien av IBP-9414....
Next recruitment mil
Next recruitment milestone reached in IBT’s Phase III Study.
30 sept. 2021 13h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics (IBT) announces that the company has reached the next important milestone after recruiting 600 premature infants in the ongoing Clinical Phase III study of IBP-9414....
Efter säkerhetsgrans
Efter säkerhetsgranskning har rekryteringen av de minsta barnen i the Connection study återupptagits.
22 sept. 2021 16h30 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Efter säkerhetsgranskning har rekryteringen av de minsta barnen i the Connection study återupptagits. Efter att säkerhetsgranskningen som utförts av Data Monitoring Committee (DMC) har slutförts kan...
After safety review
After safety review The Connection study is now again open to recruit the smallest infants.
22 sept. 2021 16h30 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
After safety review The Connection study is now again open to recruit the smallest infants. Following the completion of the DMC (Data Monitoring Committee) safety review, IBT is pleased to announce...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics tillkännager idag att ett nytt patent har godkänts i Mexiko.
10 sept. 2021 06h30 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics tillkännager idag att ett nytt patent har godkänts i Mexiko. Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (IBT) meddelar idag att Patentverket i Mexiko beslutat utfärda ett...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics today announces that a new patent is granted in Mexico
10 sept. 2021 06h30 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics today announces that a new patent is granted in Mexico Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB today announces that the Mexican Patent Office has granted a patent entitled: A...
Rekryteringen av de
Rekryteringen av de minsta barnen i the Connection study pausad
25 août 2021 06h50 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
IBT påbörjade rekrytering av spädbarn till Strata A (vikt 500g-749g) i The Connection Study den 29 april 2021. Idag har 68 spädbarn rekryterats till gruppen. I enlighet med studieprotokollet och...
Recruitment of the s
Recruitment of the smallest infants in the Connection study paused
25 août 2021 06h50 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
IBT started to recruit infants in Strata A (weight of 500g-749g) in The Connection Study on April 29 2021. Today, 68 infants have been recruited to the group. In accordance with the study protocol...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB utser Marie-Louise Alamaa till ny CFO
13 juil. 2021 11h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) tillkännagav idag att Marie-Louise Alamaa har utsetts till Chief Financial Officer (CFO) från och med den 16 augusti 2021. Hon kommer att ingå i företagets...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB appoints Marie-Louise Alamaa as new CFO
13 juil. 2021 11h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) today announced that Marie-Louise Alamaa has been appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective from August 16, 2021. She will be part of the Management...