Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics CFO lämnar bolaget
20 mai 2021 10h30 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics ABs Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Daniel Mackey har bestämt sig för att lämna IBT för att anta nya utmaningar. Han kommer att fortsätta i sin nuvarande roll under...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics CFO leaves the company
20 mai 2021 10h30 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics ABs CFO Daniel Mackey has decided to leave the company to pursue new challenges. He will remain in his current role during his notice period. Michael Owens will be acting...
VDs anförande i samb
VDs anförande i samband med Infant Bacterial Therapeutics årsstämma
06 mai 2021 12h50 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Verkställande direktören Staffan Strömbergs anförande i samband med IBTs årsstämma 2021 kan ses här   Om Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) (“IBT”) är ett...
Annual General Meeti
Annual General Meeting of Infant Bacterial Therapeutics CEO speech
06 mai 2021 12h50 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
CEO Staffan Strömberg's speech at the Annual General Meeting of IBT is available here. The speech is in Swedish. About Infant Bacterial Therapeutics ABInfant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) is a...
Årsstämma i Infant B
Årsstämma i Infant Bacterial Therapeutics
04 mai 2021 11h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
På årsstämman i Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) den 4 maj 2021 beslutades bland annat följande: fastställande av resultaträkningen och balansräkningen,att ingen utdelning lämnas,beviljad...
Annual General Meeti
Annual General Meeting of Infant Bacterial Therapeutics
04 mai 2021 11h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
At the Annual General Meeting of Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) on May 4, 2021, among other things, the following was resolved: adoption of the annual reportthat no dividend is...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics utökar The Connection Study och inkluderar spädbarn med en födelsevikt under 750 gram
29 avr. 2021 16h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Efter granskning av Data Monitoring Committee utökar Infant Bacterial Therapeutics  “The Connection Study” till att omfatta för tidigt födda barn med en födelsevikt från 500 g till 1000 g. Data...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics expands The Connection Study to include infants with a birth weight below 750 grams
29 avr. 2021 16h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
After the Data Monitoring Committees’ review Infant Bacterial Therapeutics expands the enrollment criteria of The Connection Study to include 500 - 1000 gram birth weight premature infants.   The...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics erhåller ytterligare patentskydd i Kina
15 avr. 2021 13h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (IBT) tillkännager idag att det Kinesiska patentmyndigheten har beslutat utfärda ett godkännande av IBTs patentansökan: “A method of activating lactic acid bacteria”,...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics receives additional patent protection in China
15 avr. 2021 13h00 HE | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (IBT) today announces that the Chinese patent office has issued a decision to grant approval of IBTs patent application entitled: A method of activating lactic acid...