CEO appointment at Ahold Poland

Zaandam, The Netherlands, December 18, 2000 - The Corporate Executive Board of Royal Ahold, the international food provider, has announced the appointment of Jacquot Boelen to President and CEO of Ahold Polska, effective January 8, 2001. Boelen succeeds Geoffrey Adams who directed the operation on an interim basis.

Boelen (40) is currently Country Manager of the Polish hypermarket chain Real, owned by Metro AG of Germany. Earlier he worked as Director Operations for Makro Poland and was Managing Director of Bata The Netherlands and Belgium. Boelen reports to Jan Andreae, member of the Ahold Corporate Executive Board, responsible for European activities. Boelen is married and has two children.

Geoffrey Adams
Geoffrey Adams was President and CEO of Ahold Polska on an interim basis. During his stewardship the company grew significantly among others through the opening of six new hypermarkets, including several in Warsaw, and the opening of many supermarkets in various other cities. Adams also restructured the organization and prepared it for considerable further growth in the coming years.