Vaisala Group has acquired the Meteorological Systems Unit of Radian
International LLC of USA in accordance with the Letter of Intent
signed in May 2001. The arrangement was completed together with the
existing Meteorological Systems Unit management. Vaisala has 85% of
the share capital in the newly formed Vaisala Meteorological Systems
Company Inc.

The Radian Meteorological Systems Unit, located in Boulder, Colorado,
United States, is a worldwide market leader in wind profilers. Its
sales are approximately 5 MUSD annually. Boulder is a location of
important laboratories and institutes for meteorological research, and
Vaisala has an existing operation there since 1999.

Along with this remote sensing technology Vaisala will focus in two
new and expanding fields of atmospheric measurement, nowcasting and
meso-scale forecasting. These are fields where phenomena that occur
within a relatively short time, like thunderstorms, windshear, local
rainfall and hailstorms, can be predicted accurately. In the field of
remote sensing, Vaisala already has lightning-detection technology to
predict thunderstorms. This technology was acquired in year 2000.

The remote sensing methods will particularly address the local
prediction needs of airports, meteorological services and air quality

Vaisala is a successful international technology group that develops
and manufactures electronic measurement systems and equipment. The
application areas of Vaisala's products include meteorology,
environmental sciences, traffic and industry. Vaisala employs more
than 1,000 professionals, and the Group's turnover totalled more than
one billion Finnish marks (EUR 179.5 million) in 2000. Vaisala's
products are sold worldwide. In 2000, exports accounted for 96 per
cent of the turnover. Vaisala's series A shares are listed on the
Helsinki Exchanges.

Further information:

Tiina Hansson, Communications Director       tel. +358 9 8949 2728
                                             or +358 40 730 3751

Vaisala Oyj