SGS Société Générale de Surveillance Holding SA and the Disclosure Office of the SWX Swiss Exchange have been notified by Worms & Cie, 25, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 Paris, France, that their organised group (Pool) now holds 13,29% of the voting rights of the company.

SharesNumber of sharesVoting rights
  Number of sharesIn percent

The members of the Pool are:
>Worms & Cie, 25, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 Paris, France, acting through Intercantonale de Participation et de Placement, 100% subsidiary of Worms & Cie, domiciled c/o Tavernier Tschanz, 11bis, rue Toepffer, 1206 Geneva.
>Deutsche Bank AG, Taunusanlage 12, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
>The following members of the Syndicate of the Founding Families:
 BenensonLetiziaNew York, NY, USA
 DragoSuzanneCranbury, NJ, USA
 DragoMatthewCranbury, NJ, USA
 FassbindBarbaraVeyrier, CH
 Safic SA Fribourg, CH
 SalmanowitzHaroldNaples, FL, USA
 SalmanowitzJohnSan-Francisco, CA, USA
 SalmanowitzRichardGenève, CH
 SiepmannRicardo HeinrichOvendorf, D
 Siepmann-SchwarzloseIngeborgHamburg, D

The SGS Group is the clear global leader and innovator in verification, testing and certification services.

Geneva, June 28th 2001

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