Executive appointment at Associated Marketing Service

Zaandam, The Netherlands, July 10, 2001 - AMS, Associated Marketing Service, has appointed Felix Fernandez de Gabriel as its Managing Director, effective December 1, 2001.

Associated Marketing Service BV (AMS) is an alliance of European food retailers whose purpose is to realise benefits for its 10 members, its co-operating suppliers and more than 100 million customers who visit the 24,000 AMS member stores.

Felix Fernandez de Gabriel is currently working as Commercial Director for Ahold Czech Republic. Formerly employed by French retailer Auchan, Fernandez de Gabriel has extensive experience and knowledge in international buying and merchandising.

He will succeed Dick Roozen, who has been appointed Vice President Ahold Global Sourcing.
In this position Mr. Roozen will further develop Ahold´s worldwide sourcing structure.

With 10 years of experience AMS is well positioned to deal with the interest of leading international and national (food) retailers. Over the last years, AMS has developed many international sourcing and marketing initiatives like European private labels, European promotions, Euro Shopper, Internet Buying and many joint marketing agreements with suppliers of branded goods. Most recently, AMS relocated its operational activities from Switzerland to
The Netherlands, retaining its office in Switzerland for trademark activities.

Current AMS members are: Ahold European Sourcing/Ahold -The Netherlands, Dansk Supermarked Group - Denmark, EDEKA - Germany, Hakon - Norway, ICA - Sweden, Jeronimo Martins Retail - Portugal, Kesko - Finland, OPERA - France, Safeway - United Kingdom and Superquinn - Ireland.