Half-yearly Report to 30 June 2001

At its meeting today, the Board of Directors of Brødrene Hartmann A/S approved the Group's accounts for the six-month period ended 30 June 2001. The accounts are unaudited and are presented in accordance with the Group's usual accounting policies, however with a minor change in relation to the accounting treatment of tax, cf. p. 11. Questions should be addressed to Asger Domino, President & CEO, on phone no. +45 45 87 50 30.
The six months at a glance:
  • Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) rose approx. 36% to DKK57 million.
  • Net profit after tax increased 79% to DKK34 million.
  • Turnover increased 8% to DKK737 million exclusively by organic growth.
  • Significant growth in the Group's main activity, the Egg & Fruit Packaging Division in
    Europe, more than compensates for the weaker performance recorded by Industrial
    Packaging in the period under review.
  • Operating profit in South America on a par with the year-earlier level despite a difficult
    economic environment in Argentina which had a rub-off effect on Brazil.
  • Completion of the generational change planned for the Group's top management.
  • The Group maintains its expectations of an operating profit for the full fiscal 2001 in the range of DKK95 to 100 million (up 25%) and a profit after tax of approx. DKK45 million
    (up 16%). Turnover is expected to grow 8% to approx. DKK1,460 million.
Mogens Petersen                       Asger Domino
Chairman of the Board               President & CEO
The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following link:


Half-yearly Report