Vaisala Inc. acquired the Meteorological Systems Unit of Radian
International LLC of USA in June 2001. The arrangement was completed
together with the management of the Meteorological Systems Unit.
Through the acquisition, Vaisala Meteorological Systems Company Inc.
was founded.

Vaisala has acquired the shares of minority shareholders of Vaisala
Meteorological Systems Company Inc (15 %) and merged the company to
Vaisala Inc.

The Vaisala Group is a successful international technology company
that develops and manufactures electronic measurement systems and
equipment for meteorology, environmental sciences, traffic safety and
industry. Vaisala employs over 1,100 skilled professionals and
achieved net sales of EUR 179.5 million in 2000. Vaisala serves
customers throughout the world. In 2000, exports accounted for 96% of
net sales. Vaisala's A-series shares are quoted on the Helsinki
Exchanges (HEX).

Further information:
Olli Karikorpi, Finance Director            
+358 9 8949 2215 or
 +358 40 777 2933
Tiina Hansson, Communications Director      
 +358 9 8949 2728 or
+358 40 730 3751

Vaisala Oyj