Skills Training Prepares Graduates for Work and Life

Johannesburg, South Africa: Following the success of the Make a Connection programme in South Africa in 2001, the Youth Development Trust and Nokia today announced the launch of the second phase of the initiative. Last year more than 50% of graduates completing the programme were successfully placed in employment and internships. The target for 2002 is to significantly increase this figure.

At an Induction Ceremony held today, twenty-five new graduates were welcomed to the three-month programme and introduced to funders, partners and other stakeholders.

Make A Connection is a global initiative of the International Youth Foundation and Nokia. In South Africa, the programme is implemented by the Youth Development Trust in cooperation with the RF Group, Nokia's mobile phone distributor.

Locally, the programme deals with the difficulties new graduates face in finding employment, helping young job seekers to bridge the gap between tertiary education and the workplace. The programme aims to empower and train young graduates, equipping them with the skills necessary for success in professional life.

Aspects of the course include understanding of the professional world, motivation and attitude to work, interpersonal relations, self-confidence, conflict resolution and problem-solving skills as well as computer skills. Entrepreneurship skills are also emphasized.

"Make A Connection, now running in Gauteng, will be expanded to the North West and Limpopo Provinces this year, with the ultimate goal of reaching the entire country," says Ntutule Tshenye, CEO of the Youth Development Trust. "If the success of the first phase is anything to go by, these targets are achievable."

Government representatives from the departments of Labour and Education have expressed an interest in the program because of its focus on skills development. "The need for our labour force to be adequately and suitably skilled has again been highlighted by government, most recently in the Minister of Finance's budget speech. Make A Connection addresses this challenge head-on," says Tshenye.

Michelle Stephens, Marketing Director for the RF Group, the importers and distributors of Nokia handsets in South Africa, says: "We are proud to support the Make A Connection programme and hope that other organisations and companies will be motivated to similarly invest in training and development."

About Make A Connection
Make a Connection is a global, multi-year partnership between the International Youth Foundation(IYF) and Nokia to promote positive youth development by giving young people an opportunity to "make a connection" to their communities, to their families and peers, and to themselves. The programme improves young people's educational opportunities, teaches them life skills and helps them to make a positive contribution to their societies. Country programmes are currently running in Brazil, China, Germany, Mexico, Poland, the Philippines, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. More information on Make a Connection can be found at and at

About Youth Development Trust
The Youth Development Trust (YDT) is one of the leading organisations in the provision of solutions to the youth sector in South Africa. YDT's mission is to act as a facilitative and responsive resource mobilizing and technical support foundation for the positive development of youth. YDT focuses on strengthening the delivery capacity of youth organisations, providing grant management services for the donor community for projects in support of youth and piloting and implementing new technologies to address youth development gaps. Through the Nokia sponsored Make a Connection life skills development programme, YDT has made a meaningful contribution to the development and employability of graduates in the country. More information about YDT programmes can be obtained from our website

About International Youth Foundation
The International Youth Foundation (IYF) is one of the world's largest public foundations focused on children and youth. IYF is dedicated to supporting programmes that improve the conditions and prospects for young people where they live, learn, work, and play. Since it founding in 1990, IYF has worked with hundreds of companies, foundations, and nongovernmental organisations to scale up existing programs and build long-term strategic partnerships. Currently operating in more than 60 countries, IYF and its partners have helped more than 23 million young people gain the skills, training and opportunities critical to their success. More information on IYF can be found at

About Nokia
Nokia is committed to having a positive impact on society that extends beyond the advanced technology, products and services the company creates. Through its partnership with IYF and other regional philanthropic and social responsibility programmes, the company prepares young people to embrace opportunities and possibilities created by the global economy and new technological advancements. The company has been an active regional contributor to youth and education causes for many years, with Nokia employees making their own contributions as volunteers in a range of programmes throughout the world. More information on Nokia can be found at

Further information:

Ntutule Tshenye: Chief Executive Officer, YDT
Telephone: 011 784 1660
Fax: 011 784 1664

Raashida Khan: Relations Officer, YDT
Telephone: 011 784 1660
Fax: 011 784 1664

Aline Sciarappa: Corporate Communications - Nokia
Telephone: 011 799 7400