Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in Active Biotech 18 April 2002

At Active Biotech AB's Annual General Meeting Sven Andreasson, Mats Arnhög, Maria Borelius, Mats Pettersson, Peter Sjöstrand and Hugo Thelin were re-elected as Members of the Board. Hugo Thelin will continue serving as Chairman of the Board.

Håkan Åström was elected as a new Member of the Board. He is Senior Vice President Corporate Strategy and Site Operations, Pharmacia Corporation, and has formerly been active as Member of the Board in Active Biotech (2000). Besides Pharmacia Corporation, Håkan Åström is Member of the Board in Biovitrum and Medicon Valley Capital.

Svend Holst-Nielsen, who has renounced a re-election due to other commitments, was thanked for his services by the Chairman of the Board, Hugo Thelin.

The President & CEO, Sven Andreasson's speech at the General Meeting is available for download on our web-site

Lund 19 April 2002

Active Biotech AB (Publ)

Sven Andreasson
President & CEO

Active Biotech is a biotechnology company focusing on research in and development of pharmaceuticals. Active Biotech has a strong R&D portfolio and pipeline products with focus primarily on autoimmune/inflammatory diseases and cancer. Key projects include orally administered small molecules with unique immunomodulatory properties that can be used to treat autoimmune and inflammatory diseases (SAIK), as well as a novel concept for use in cancer immunotherapy (TTS).