Kemira Chemie GmbH, (Hanau, Germany) and Vermicon AG (Munich, Germany) have agreed on a partnership for the development and marketing of genetic test kits for micro-organisms relevant for waste water treatment.
This new partnership has been established to enable industrial and municipal customers to detect and monitor upcoming bacteriological problems in time. Early detection allows measurements against bacteriological growth like chemical intervention or process modifications.
Vermicon AG produces genetic tests for micro-organisms that may cause environmental hazards in waste water. For the first time, the fast and reliable detection of specific micro-organisms is now possible, e.g. the detection of filamentous and nitrification bacteria. A new gene probe technology (VIT = vermicon identification technology) developed by Vermicon AG clearly identifies bacteria by specifically visualizing them.
Kemira is a leading company in products and services for drinking and waste water treatment. The agreement strengthens Kemira’s position in the European water treatment market. One of the strategic core business area of the Kemira Group is to expand its business operations in water treatment chemicals. At present the company is the largest supplier of coagulants in Europe already.
In 2001 Kemira’s chemical business had net sales of about EUR 900 million, of which the business unit Kemwater accounted for around 18%. Kemwater has production plants in over 30 countries.
Vermicon AG develops innovative detection systems for the identification of micro-organisms. With modern scientific methods and technologies Vermicon makes a revolutionary change in the analysis of bacteria, fungi or unicellular organisms. Business activities focus on the detection of bacteria in food, drinking water, environment and medicine.
In 2001 Vermicon AG successfully launched the VIT-product line in the German market with
a series of rapid tests that are used for an efficient identification of numerous bacteria in drinking water, waste water and food. The partnership with Kemira Chemicals enables Vermicon AG to find markets for the VIT-product line and to get established on an international scale.