TietoEnator to Supply Kemijoki with Financial, Personnel, and Maintenance Management Systems

ESPOO, Finland, June 4, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Kemijoki Oy and TietoEnator have agreed on the renewing of Kemijoki's IT systems. The new systems will be used to manage Kemijoki's human and financial resources and to handle the maintenance management of production machinery in Kemijoki's power plants. The delivery includes the PowerMaint(tm) enterprise asset management system, Economa financial resource management system, and Persona human resource management system.

The efficient management of information and key resources is a matter of strategic importance to Kemijoki Oy. "Through these systems, we will develop our business, improve cost-efficiency and cost-awareness, as well as harmonise and simplify our processes," said Powerplant Manager Timo Torvinen, who also acts as the project manager.

TietoEnator EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) develops information technology for maintenance service suppliers and production plants. The key customer areas include the energy, forest and manufacturing industries as well as their service providers.

TietoEnator Resource Management focuses on applications and solutions for the corporate key resources of finance, personnel, customer relations and information management. Efficient key resources management will gain increasing importance as a strategic area of management in the years ahead.

Additional information:

TietoEnator Corporation, EAM, Director Jaakko Kuusisaari
tel. +358 9 862 6000, jaakko.kuusisaari@tietoenator.com

TietoEnator Corporation, Resource Management, Director Veli-Pekka 
Laukkanen tel. +358 9 3290 7178, veli-pekka.laukkanen@tietoenator.com

Kemijoki Oy, Production Technology, Vice President Aimo Takala
tel. +358 16 7402276, aimo.takala@kemijoki.fi

Kemijoki Oy, Powerplant Manager Timo Torvinen tel. +358 16 7402851, 

With almost 12,000 employees and annual net sales of EUR 1.1 billion, TietoEnator is a leading supplier of high value-added IT services in Europe. TietoEnator specialises in consulting, building and hosting its customers' business operations in the digital economy. The Group's services are based on a combination of deep industry-specific expertise and latest information technology. www.tietoenator.com

The principal function of Kemijoki Oy is to own and administer hydroelectric power plants and watercourse regulation units and to generate electric power. Kemijoki Oy is a mutual corporation that sells its output in full to shareholders in proportion to their ownership of hydroelectric shares. The Company has 16 hydroelectric power plants in the Kemijoki watercourse area and also regulates reservoirs at Lokka and Porttipahta, and at Kemijarvi and Olkkajarvi. 4,078 GWh of electricity were generated in 2001. This output accounted for 31 per cent of hydroelectric power generated in Finland and 5.7 per cent of the country's total electricity generation. The turnover of Kemijoki Oy was EUR 50.4 million and its balance sheet total was EUR 445.1 million. In addition to its core business, the Group in engaged in electricity network operations and arctic wind power technology. The Inkeroinen and Anjalankoski power plants on the Kymijoki river and the Lieksankoski and Pankakoski power plants on the Kymijoki river are also part of the Group. www.kemijoki.fi


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