SCA Year-End Report 2002, January 1-December 31, 2002

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 30, 2003 (PRIMEZONE) -- SCA (Other OTC:SVCBF):

                              02:4    02:3(2)  02:2   02:1   0212(2) 0112
 Earnings per share, SEK(1)   6.33    6.27     6.05   5.89  24.54   24.05
 Cash flow from current       9.19   11.74     9.36   6.83  37.12   48.38
 operations per share,
 Net sales, SEK M           22,429  22,247   22,355 21,015 88,046  82,380
 Earnings after financial    2,053   2,032    2,026  1,967  8,078   8,090
 items, SEK M
 Net earnings, SEK M         1,468   1,456    1,404  1,365  5,693   5,587
 Dividend per share, SEK                                     9.60(3) 8.75

 (1) Adjusted historically to reflect new issue of 1.8 million shares in
     2001 for stock option program (see page 10).

 (2) Including the non-recurring effect of the sale of Zewathener,
     SEK 88 M.

 (3) Board proposal.


 -- The Board proposes dividend of SEK 9.60 per share, an increase of 10%.
    Average dividend growth during the most recent five-year period,
    accordingly, amounts to 12% annually.

 2002 compared with 2001

 -- Despite sharply weaker economic conditions in Europe and North
    America, earnings per share increased to SEK 24.54 (24.05).

 -- Acquisitions and volume growth increased sales by 12%; the net
    effect was limited to 7% due to price and currency effects.

 -- Operating profit for the Group's largest business area, Hygiene
    Products, improved by 23%. The operating margin rose to 12%.

 Compared with third quarter of 2002

 -- Earnings per share amounted to SEK 6.33 (6.27).

 -- Consolidated operating profit, excluding capital gains, increased by 
    5%. A certain decline, 4%, in operating profit for Hygiene Products 
    was offset by increases in Packaging and Forest Products.

 For further information, please contact:

 Jan Astrom, President and CEO
 Phone: +46 70 586 0701

 Peter Nyquist, Senior Vice President, Communications and
   Investor Relations
 Phone: +46 8 788 52 34

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