Nokia and NCYD announce life skills program to empower Thai youth

Nokia and the National Council for Child and Youth Development (NCYD) announced today the launch of a new program introducing life skills instruction to the nation's schools and providing Thai students with the life and professional skills needed to grow into competent, contributing adults. The program -- Make a Connection: Empowerment of Thai Youth with Life Skills and Social Connection - will be implemented by NCYD and is part of the global Make a Connection program, an initiative of the International Youth Foundation (IYF) and Nokia. 
Over the next three years, Make a Connection in Thailand will develop an instructional model for life skills that addresses the needs and the situation of Thai young people. During this pilot phase, Make a Connection will strengthen the life skills of more than 1,800 high school students from 30 schools and non-formal education centers in the Northeastern provinces of Udon Thani, Mahasarakham and Nakhon Ratchasima. The program will target youth in both rural and urban areas, focusing on students as well as out-of-school youth, and train 600 teachers as life skills instructors. This is estimated to bring indirect benefits to at least 18,000 peers, family, and other community members.  
"Nokia has a strong commitment to Thailand and to Thai society," said Sari Baldauf, President of Nokia Networks and Nokia Executive Board member, at a press event marking the launch today. "As market leader with global operations, Nokia has a considerable impact on society, and we take our responsibilities seriously in all the communities in which we live and work."
The Department of Non Formal Education and the Department of Education under the Ministry of Education, as well as provincial educational authorities are lending strong support to the program.  Following the three-year pilot period, the module will be submitted to the Ministry of Education for implementation, to be expanded nationwide.
Ms. Srisak Thaiarry, Executive Director of NCYD, said: "Children are the future of our country. To not only survive, but to successfully meet life's challenges, they need to have self-confidence, decision-making, and leadership skills.  A life skills instruction model for the country's schools and education centers will reach thousands of Thai students.  We commend Nokia for making this program possible, and the Ministry of Education for giving us the potential to impact so many young lives."
About Make a Connection 
Make a Connection is a global initiative of the International Youth Foundation (IYF) and Nokia to promote positive youth development by giving young people an opportunity to "make a connection" to their communities, to their families and peers, and to themselves.  The program improves young people's educational opportunities, teaches them life skills and helps them to make a positive contribution to their societies. Country programs are currently running in Brazil, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, the Philippines, Poland, South Africa, Thailand and the United Kingdom. More information on Make a Connection can be found at 
About National Council for Child and Youth Development (NCYD)
The National Council for Child and Youth Development (NCYD) under the Royal Patronage of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn was established by the consensus of the 1984 meeting of 300 leaders and experts on child and youth development and endorsed by the Cabinet as the national-level coordinating body for child and youth development of the private sector in the same year. NCYD mandates are to coordinate, enhance and advocate child and youth development processes among non-governmental organizations, act as a catalyst in their relationship and cooperation with other social sectors, and represent at regional and international levels. It has a strong commitment to the empowerment of young people so they can develop to their fullest capacity and will be able to participate meaningfully in the community and social development process.
NCYD enjoys close working relationships with many ministries and cooperates with several UN agencies, as well as works together with international organizations and corporations e.g. Redd Barna, Save the Children (UK), Bernard Van Leer Foundation, Coca-Cola, NIKE, Nokia, Shell International. Since 1993, the International Youth Foundation has become NCYD's most significant partner. More information on NCYD can be found at
About International Youth Foundation
The International Youth Foundation (IYF) is one of the world's largest public foundations focused on children and youth.  IYF is dedicated to supporting programs that improve the conditions and prospects for young people where they live, learn, work, and play.  Since its founding in 1990, IYF has worked with hundreds of companies, foundations, and non-governmental organizations to scale up existing programs and build long-term strategic partnerships.  Currently operating in close to 50 countries and territories, IYF and its partners have helped more than 26 million young people gain the skills, training and opportunities critical to their success.  For further information, see: 
About Nokia
Nokia is committed to having a positive impact on society that extends beyond the advanced technology, products and services the company creates.  Through its partnership with IYF and other regional philanthropic and social responsibility programs, the company prepares young people to embrace opportunities and possibilities created by the global economy and new technological advancements. The company has been an active regional contributor to youth and education causes for many years, with Nokia employees making their own contributions as volunteers in a range of programs throughout the world. More information on Nokia can be found at