Net Insight Releases Its Third Generation Software Platform for Media Broadcasters and Triple-Play Providers

"The new provisioning functions are essential to further enhance our optical control plane for automated network and end-to-end service provisioning," said Bengt J. Olsson, VP of Product Management. "This allows operators to cut operational expenses as well as improve the overall cost-effectiveness of their networks."

For increased reliability, NimOS 3.0 includes a new intrinsic network performance monitoring system. The system is based on ITU-T G.826 carrier standards for performance monitoring.

Other new features include a new trunk manager for configuration, performance and fault management of all trunk interfaces (reaching from OC-3/STM-1 to OC-48/STM-16), that is now handled in a new cross-platform consistent manner. Also, all services can now be scheduled in time to allow for better resource allocation of differentiated service offerings.

"The unique combination of multi-service, QoS multicast and operator control functionality that is consolidated in NimOS 3.0 will further strengthen our position as a leading provider of high reliability QoS-demanding video networking equipment," concludes Bengt J. Olsson.

The NimOS 3.0 system software will be available in May 2003.

For more information, please contact:
Bengt J Olsson, VP of Product Management, Net Insight AB.
Tel. 08-685 04 68, e-post: